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Despair,Inc.® is the Internet's undisputed leading retailer of
products for cynics, pessimists and the chronically unsuccessful.
Creators of Demotivators® and other revolutionary tools for
pessimists, underachievers and the chronically unsuccessful. We're not
satisfied, until you're not satisfied.Products: Demotivators,
Bittersweets, DespairWear, the Pessimist's Mug, the Despair Card, and
other truly depressing products. The majority of our Demotivators
quotes are original aphorisms, written by a motley assortment of
depressive personalities in our product development group. A small
number of designs use licensed or canonical quips which are well
suited for inclusion in the Demotivators collection. Currently, we
offer 47 of our 78 designs as prints. These designs, which are now all
organized in our "Lithographs" section for easy ordering, include:
Achievement, Adversity, Agony, Ambition, Apathy, Arrogance, Beauty,
Blame, Cluelessness , Compromise , Consulting, Defeat, Despair,
Dysfunction , Effort, Elitism, Failure, Futility, Get to Work, Goals,
Idiocy, Incompetence, Indifference, Ineptitude, Inspiration,
Ignorance, Irresponsibility, Limitations, Losing, Mediocrity,
Meetings, Mistakes, Motivation, Pessimism, Potential, Power,
Pretension, Problems, Procrastination, Regret, Stupidity, Success,
Teamwork, Underachievement, Wishes and Worth.