Marriage test
Moms View Message Board: Short Stories, Poetry and Articles : Marriage test Might be fun...
I scored 20 out of 22.
You Scored: 20 out of 22 13 – 22 points: Above 12: Your relationship has strength and staying power. Congratulations!
I got a "page not available" oh well. :-) M&M
19 out of 22!
21 out of 22, pretty neat test
19 out of 22! Not bad after 13 1/2 years.
17 here... A good sign, I guess.
You Scored: 22 out of 22 13 – 22 points: Above 12: Your relationship has strength and staying power. Congratulations! Gees get getting any better then that I guess. Maybe things aren't so bad
You Scored: 21 out of 22 Pretty good after 17 years
I scored a 17. We seem to be in this not agreeing on many things rutt right now, I think it has to do with raising girls and one is a teenager and one is soon to be.
I'm confused....I can't figure out where the one is I "missed". It seemed to me that I had the "good" answer for all of the statements, but I only scored a 21 out of 22... Hmmmmmm.......
Adena, i'm confused too. I answered yes to all the questions (22) and got 21 out of 22! Maybe they just think it's too good to be true so they won't give us the hightest scores... You Scored: 21 out of 22 13 – 22 points: Above 12: Your relationship has strength and staying power. Congratulations! Anyway, it was fun
I answered yes to all the questions, too, and only got 21 out of 22. I didn't understand, either!
19 out of 22. Uhm, how do you all have "fire?!" I'll take some of that. I think we are "warm" sometimes, but fire? LOL! & We are not the most respectful listeners either. LOL! Hey, I'm honest!
I had 21 out of 22 & I gave the quiz to DH, so that was fun. Always opens the lines of communication even more. He got 19 out of 22.
I too anwered yes to them all and got 21, weird. Anyway, I know what the real score is. Really makes me appreciate what I've got