I am so nervous
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive April 2007:
I am so nervous
Well as I posted, I had my first mammogram on Tuesday. My drs office just called, said that there was a "dense" area on one of the films. They want that area redone, and scheduled for me go back on Wednesday.They said if need be, they will do an ultrasound as well.. I am a nervous wreck. I have no idea if this common or not since its been my first. Now I am just going to worry until then.
They are making you wait until Wednesday??!! This just happened to me in March but when they called me I had to go in that day. It turned out to be nothing but it was a very scary phone call and I felt sick to my stomach waiting for the appointment. I hope yours turns out to be nothing too and I'd call them and tell them to get you in earlier.
A friend of mine just went through this and the second mammogram showed it was nothing. I don't know how common this is, but try not to get too worked up just yet. (((HUG)))
I had a mammogram last year because I felt a lump of some sort. I'm still under age 30. The results showed that it was just dense breast tissue....nothing more. Good luck! Don't worry yourself too much.
(((HUGS))))I don't know anything about mammograms, but I hate that they are making you wait that long. I'd be a nervous wreck too, just because that's the way I am. I'll be thinkng of you. I think I've read this, maybe dense has to do with having larger breasts? It makes it a little harder to read? I think I read that but I'm not sure.
I'm a "B" cup, so in my case it wasn't due to breast size. But, that could be a possibility.
Well I definitely have large breasts LOL...thats a whole different issue I guess I just dont know if dense breasts are common or not.
My sister had this same problem. She was terrified when she got the call, but it turns out that it was just dense breast tissue. Hang on 'til Wednesday!
I'm sorry you have to wait so long for your next appt. I know you are worried but try to relax until then and let us know as soon as you know something. (((hugs)))
Jackie, I have dense breast tissue and fibrocystic breasts. The first time I had an abnormal mammogram, I totally freaked out. I was convinced I had breast cancer. I went back for a diagnostic mammo and an ultrasound, which confirmed everything. Don't worry until you have something to worry about - this is really very common. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}
No advice, but try to keep busy until then. That way, you won't have time to think about it. Best of luck.
I had a funny spot. They ultrasounded and biopsied, but I think it turned out to be a cyst. It was benign.
I have not experience in this area, but I really hope it turns out to be nothing and I'm sorry you have to wait so long to find out.
I had a really great technician for my first mammogram. Before I left she told me not to panic if I was called back to have it redone. She said it wasn't unusual for this to happen, and explained they may even do an ultrasound. So often she said it wasn't anything serious, they are just very thorough. Her words were so comforting when I did get called back. All was well. Hugs to you. Please let us know how it all turns out.
I think dense breast tissue is common.. I also think that they are overly cautious with good cause... Jackie, do not panic until they tell you to panic... You aren't going to do any good for yourself or anyone else being wigged out... You are in all of our thoughts and prayers... And I think this is common on such a serious issue... In all of our thoughts I am sure...
Good luck, and try not to worry unless you have to. I know it is easier said than done. I'll keep you in my thoughts!
Good luck! And thanks for the reminder, I should probably schedule one of these.d
The letter came yesterday, lucky I got the phone call before the letter came. The letter said it was quite common to have to come back and have it redone. I understand this, but I keep thinking what if I am the unlucky one? What if , in my case, its not common.. I have a bad habit of always thinking the worse.
Jackie, can I just say this without offending you? Try not to expect the worst. That is something I've always done. And believe me, I understand how/why a person does that - it's usually *learned* behavior - at least on my part. For a long while, everything I thought would be wonderful turned out badly, so I learned to always expect the worst. In a sense, you are *calling* it to you. Think positive, expect the best. Positive thinking/positive vibes can't hurt. *IF* you get bad news, then we are here for you and together, you (we) will deal with it. I hope I haven't offended you. I KNOW you are stressed, and I understand that. But take some deep breaths, try to think positively about it and definitely let us know what they say about it. {{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}
No Karen, you have not offended me.The one thing I do know, that it is common to be called back. So I am trying to focus on that.
Several people I know have been called back. None of them turned out to have anything. You are in my thoughts and prayers! (((hugs)))