The results are in..............
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive April 2007:
The results are in..............
Not quite two weeks ago, I posted that I thought I might just maybe be pregnant. Well, I had my first OB appointment yesterday and I'm not only pregnant but I'm 12 weeks pregnant. That morning sickness couldn't have been too bad. We actually had our first ultrasound yesterday to date the little guy/gal and there they were just as rolling around as could be with a heartbeat at 176. By the next appointment, they should be able to pick the heartbeat up on the office doppler. We're looking at a Halloween baby.
I'm glad it's going well!
Holy cow! Nothing like skipping the first trimester! lol Congrats again!
Ditto Cat....thats great!!! Congratulations!!
That's wonderful! I'm soooooooo happy for you!
Congratulations! you used the word they a few times where you referring to more then one baby?
No no no no no...........Just one. I can only handle one at a time.
YEAH!!! congrats.
A new baby. How wonderful!
I think its great the morning sickness phase was over without you realizing you were in it,lol. It seems funny, you're probably about as far along as most women used to be when they found out they were pregnant years ago, when nowadays you don't even have to be late. Congratulations!
Well, I guess that test was really a positive then... Congratualtions...
very cool! congrats!
Congrats...and I agree. How awesome to be 1/3 of the way through your pregnancy before you even find out!
Congratulations Amanda!!! Our middle dd is born on October 25 and it is such a good month for a birthday
Congratulations!!!! Yeah, another baby at MV!
Congratulations Amanda! Here's hoping for an easy pregnancy and a health baby.