Tipping question for salt delivery
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive March 2007:
Tipping question for salt delivery
We just started getting salt home delivery for our water softener. Today was the first day for him to come. He fills the softener and checks for any problems. It's a free service, which is still unbelievable to me. Anyway, DH and I were talking after he left today and wondered if we should tip him? I've never had salt delivery before, and my friend who uses another company in town has a $12/mth. delivery fee so she doesn't tip. Should we tip? DO you tip for things like this? If so, how much? I don't mind calling the company and just asking, but you guys know *everything*, so I thought I'd ask!
By Vicki on Monday, March 12, 2007 - 08:59 pm: | I think I would at least offer a tip. Dh HATES lugging the salt to the basement and would be willing to PAY for this free service I am sure. LOL I would offer it. I tip the guy that brings pizza, why not tip the salt guy is what my mind thinks. LOL
I think it would be a nice idea but I am assuming they get compensation from their employer to provide the service. Kind of like the bagger at the grocery story, not the same thing but you get my meaning I am sure. How much would be to much or to little??
By Hol on Monday, March 12, 2007 - 10:18 pm: | I think ten dollars is a nice tip, depending on how often you get salt delivered. It IS a real convenience to have him put the salt in and check out the system. I tip the guy who cleans my furnace, even though it's once per year. I give him $10.00. I get a bill later for the cleaning and tune up. It is about $125.00 per year. I tip my newspaper delivery guy (it's an adult in a car). I don't tip my milkman, but I DO give him a generous Christmas gift. I buy my tires at Sam's Club, and you get free tire rotations every 7,500 miles for the life of the tires. I leave the car and do some shopping. I give the guy $10.00 as well, although there is one guy who refuses it. He says that "the Lord gives me all I need". You could try tipping the salt guy. He may refuse, but he may really appreciate it. Then you'll know for the future. He probably isn't highly paid.
By Kaye on Monday, March 12, 2007 - 10:24 pm: | I paid 15 a month for the service. If I wasn't home on his schedule he would drop the 80 pound bags of salt by the front door. So I never tipped, it never crossed my mind actually. I don't love our tipping society. I tip for jobs where they are paid less because they are expected to get tips (waiters, and delivery people) but I would rather have it worked into my bill.
It's once a month delivery at the moment. I don't tip anyone except wait service and my hairdresser in general. It's not independent, but definitely a service of my water softener company. I think I will offer it the next time and see what happens. I was thinking like you Bobbie, but I will try it.
We were posting at the same time Kaye! I tend to feel as you do about tipping. I would have never thought of it if DH hadn't mentioned it.