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One of those days...

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive February 2007: One of those days...
By Tarable on Tuesday, February 13, 2007 - 03:56 pm:

I am having one of those days where I really want to go home crawl under the covers in bed and cry myself to sleep.
There are so many things going on right now between my kids acting out and my ex being himself. I just don't want to deal with it anymore.
Then there is my DH, he just isn't the most sensitive guy on earth and sometimes I just want to shake him and say "will you please do something about the way this is making me feel?" I know there probably isn't anything he could really do but it would be nice if he would tell me things will get better or suggest something instead of just telling me he is glad he doesn't have to deal with this or that. I love him more than I have ever loved anyone yet sometimes I wonder what I see in him. He just really doesn't ever see when I am upset or down. What I mean by that is I am pretty good at hiding my true feelings from my kids (who are extremely sensitive to my feelings) so I can laugh and play around and act totally normal but I am very down. Like today I actually told him I was in another one of my "funks" (what I call my little depressions) and he couldn't believe it. He actually argued with me and told me that I was acting perfectly normal last night except I went to bed a little earlier than normal. Why can't he just talk to me and listen instead of telling me how I feel? I am an adult and I don't need another person to tell me how I feel about things, I had that in my ex.
I am not even sure that this makes any sense but I am just venting. Thanks for listening if you got this far.

By Reds9298 on Tuesday, February 13, 2007 - 07:42 pm:

(((HUGS))) I hope that things start working out for the better very soon. Vent anytime!

By Mrsheidi on Tuesday, February 13, 2007 - 08:54 pm:

Sweetie, it does make me wonder how men were so "dominant" for so long. {{{HUGS}}}
I also hope you get out of your funk...I have those from time to time and sometimes I think my husband believes that's what girlfriends are for. I, personally, think that is what best friends are for.
Sorry, sweetie...I totally know what you're going through. :(

By Sandysmom on Tuesday, February 13, 2007 - 09:35 pm:

(((((hugs))))) I know what you are talking about. For the longest time, DH would not give me any comfort or encouraging word when I would go to him about a problem or if I were in a funk and needed to vent. I asked him why one time after I got fed up with what I felt was an unsympathetic attitude and he said that it bothers him when I am unhappy because he feels it reflects on him, like maybe he isn't doing his job well. I told him that my happiness was mostly up to me and that he is not 100% responsible for my happiness. I guess if I was complaining about the house falling down around us, he would take that as, "I hate what you have provided for me." Once I cleared that up. I let him know that it is normal for everyone to get in a funk and that it would be nice for him to just rub my shoulders and say, "Honey, it sounds like you had a crappy day, is there anything I can do?" or "I'm sorry you are feeling so badly......" I told him that him just acknowledging my feelings made me feel better and that he certainly didn't have to "fix" anything unless it was his fault. LOL! Sometimes you have to give them a clue when you need some comforting. Not too long ago, my van was doing something funny. We were driving down the road and I was telling him about it and he was sitting in the passenger seat saying nothing. So, I said to him, "Honey, I need you to say something?", and he immediately perked up we talked about the problem. Anyway, I'm sorry your day went so badly. ((((hugs))))

By Crystal915 on Tuesday, February 13, 2007 - 11:49 pm:

(((hugs))) I've BTDT, and it sucks. We're here for you, vent away any time!!

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