Proud of myself
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive December 2006:
Proud of myself
I live on a street that backs up to the back of an elementary school. Everyday at 3:00 our street is lined up and down both sides with parents picking up their kids. Parents will park in driveways or block driveways ALL the time. I get irritated with this because I have to leave to pick up my older kids at another school at this same time. Many times I have to wait for a parent to move out of my driveway so I can leave. I have been very patient because I realize how congested all the streets around the school are. Today a mom blocked over half of my driveway and then left her car parked there while she went to the school to get her kids. I drive a large SUV and with the other cars parked on the street I didn't feel like I had enough room to comfortable manouver out of my driveway so I sat and waited for her. I was irritated but I wasn't going to say anything. When she got back to her car I noticed that my neighbor across the street was out talking to her in a pretty animated way LOL. Keep in mind this is a small 75 year old man. Soon both the neighbor and the driveway blocking mom are at my car window and the mom says "This man is getting upset with me for blocking your drive and inisist that I apologize to you. He says he has called the police." My neighbor says to me "T I know you need to get out don't worry about it I took down her licsense plate number". I am a little amused mostly because she found this little old man to be so intimidating. I thank the neighbor for his "help" and turn to the mom who is mad at ME and starts yelling at me about how she gave me plenty of room to get out and she doesn't see what the big deal is. It isn't HER fault that she has to park 5 blocks away from the school in order to get her kids. I am VERY proud of myself because I tend to have a problem keeping my temper under control and I do find the blocking of my driveway very irritating. I was extremely calm with this woman and explained to her that it was not ME that called the police and it really is rude to block someone elses driveway even a little bit. I also pointed out that I do not come to her home and park in her driveway or block the drive so I'm not sure why I couldn't expect the same from her. Finally she just said "Well whatever" and got in her van. I'm not sure why/how I kept my temper under control because it really is very uncharacteristic of me but it actually felt pretty good.
Some advice from someone who has btdt - I live on a dead end street, but at the end of my street is a soccer field that was unused for years and then re-opened. I was getting the same thing, along with cars speeding on a street with 6 houses and 9 kids under the age of 5. For the cars that parked in front of my driveway or on my lawn, the problem was solved with a sprinkler pointed at their open windows - sounds petty and witchy, but I had a schoolbus park in front of my driveway and then the driver left the bus to watch the game, for speeders, I was told a cheap beach ball rolling out in the street in front of a speeding car works wonders, but I havent tried that one yet.
Have you tried going to the school next door and speaking with the principal about informing the parents that they need to be courteous to the residents on that street? Either that or you could call the police and inform them that your driveways are being blocked. One thing that was suggested in my neighborhood (where my street is a thoroughfare for traffic off the main drag) is post our own signs on street corners or in yards that say "Caution! Slow for children playing" or some such thing. Maybe you all could agree to put up signs at the ends of your driveways that say "No Parking" although that could be an eyesore. Other than that, good job keeping your temper.
Great Job at not losing your temper. When I lived in Brooklyn, that used to happen often, especially after a big snow and parking was very limited. I used to get sooo mad! Kudos to you! Also, I'd be leery of playing dirty tricks. These poor parkers know where you live. Here's a thought. Couldn't you just park infront of your own driveway in the afternoon? This way no one can block you in. Ame
Great job to both you and your neighbor. Some people can just be rude.
Yeah, you! I have the same problem! Maybe you could put a parking meter out there and make some money!