Fertility Prayers.......
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive December 2006:
Fertility Prayers.......
I met a lovely young couple tonight who are my DD's age and are going through the same heartbreak that DD and SIL went through trying to get pregnant. She is going through invitro with the same doctor that DD had, (and we have little Megan as proof that she knows her stuff). Her name is Debbie, too, like my DD. She had two embryos implanted on Monday. They will know on the 22nd. Her husband's name is Eric. Please pray hard that this pregnancy takes for them. They'd be such great parents. Thanks.
Will keep them in my prayers!
I just said a special prayer for a Christmas miracle for them. I'll continue to keep them in my prayers. My sister and her husband are unable to have children. They went through in vitro a couple of times and then stopped. They have been married fifteen years and now have a furbaby! So I understand the heart ache.
Hol, oh they will be in my prayers too!! Sticky thoughts coming their way!!
Thanks! I told her to call me IF it was positive, so I told her that I wouldn't wish her a Merry Christmas last night because I'd be hearing from them before. Sending baby vibes their way.
I've been down that road many times. Keeping them in my prayers.
Yesterday was the day she was supposed to call me if it was positive and I didn't hear from her. I'm hoping that she just forgot. I will call the convenor of the meeting after the holidays to see how they are doing. I was afraid to get too hopeful for her. When it finally "took" with my DD, she had a real "glow" about her right away, even before she knew. I didn't say anything to her, in case I was wrong. However, she WAS pregnant. This poor little sweetie didn't have the glow.
I will continue to keep them in my thoughts and prayers.
I know that you understand what they are going through. Any news for us since the other day?