Cold Medicine Reccomendations?
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive December 2006:
Cold Medicine Reccomendations?
I can feel a cold coming on (scratchy throat, cough, burning eyes, stuffy nose) and we have no cold medicine in the house. I've always been a Dayquil/Nyquil caplets person but I didn't feel like they did a very good job with a summer cold I had. I took Tylenol Cold liquid (It's blue and minty) last year and liked it. Has anyone else used it? Is there another brand that you swear by? I'd like to pick some up this afternoon, if there is a clear favorite among the Momsview moms. I'd consider it highly reccomended.
I don't really know anything about the best medicine wants you have a cold. But I would get the Ziacam. It's supposed to shorten and ward off and oncoming cold. I tried it last time I was sick. While I admit it did not work as well for me. I believe I waited to late into the cold. But I gave it to my kids and they did not get sick at all. My boss swears by it to.
Zicam is great if you take it the minute you feel a cold coming on. Last time, I waited too long. But, yesterday I started getting the same symptoms as you described. I took the Zicam right away, along with Tylenol cold medication. I am already feeling better today. So, if your cold just started today, I would recommend picking up some Zicam, with whatever cold medication you decide on.
We've had great luck with Mucinex.
I started getting a cold 2 days before I was leaving for Miami a couple of weeks ago. Since I had 2 presentations and job interviews I could NOT be sick. I went to our employee health nurse at work and she put me on Zicam (she said the nasal swabs work best), Airborne, and Sudafed. The next day I did end up going in for a steroid shot too, but everything cleared up and I was fine. It was the shortest cold every and I am now a big believer in Zicam and Airborne.
I say try airbourne(SP?) we used it and it helped. Its not a medicine but you use it when you feel a cold coming on. Good luck. Hope you are feeling better.
I use Airborne everytime I start to feel a cold coming on. I buy it at Costco, seems to be the most cost effective. I also give it to the kids when they are getting a bug.
I'm taking Airborne and Zicam already. I was looking for something to treat the symptoms (mostly the sore throat and cough) for as long as they last. Thanks for the recommendations but I guess I'll go troll the cold medicine aisle.
I rarely get a cough, but for a sore throat I just use Advil or Aleve, Chloraseptic throat spray, and hot tea or cider. Warm drinks really help my throat feel better. Hope you're better soon!
Ditto Pamt-I do the exact same things. I always take Advil,a black tea with honey and lemon does wonders for me,sometimes a chicken cup-a-soup.I hope your feeling better today.
Tink I am right there with you, but the zicam doesn't seem to be helping at all...i am so bummed. I didn't get the airborne. I gave in today and started taking advil cold and sinus, it works pretty good for me usually, but today, I feel like crap!
Lots of rest is best when you have a cold, and for me, for some reason, I find that antihistamines work well for calming the symptoms, but I am very allergic. Having a cold exacerbates my allergies, so that helps for me.
My throat is still sore and I still have a hacky little cough. I don't know if the Airborne is helping much but I keep chugging it down every four hours. I really hate the Zicam and haven't been as good about taking it. I'm taking Comtrex Cold Night and Day formulas and it works ok during the day but the nighttime formula is GREAT! I wish it didn't make me so sleepy because I'd love to have it work that well when I'm awake. Lisa, rest??? What's that? I'm lucky if I'm getting six hours of sleep right now and I hit the ground running each morning. I'm alternating hot tea (which is supposed to help) with icy cold water (which is what feels good) to try and help my throat. My hope is that I'll get this out of my system now so that I'm healthy as we get closer to Christmas. I hope you're feeling better soon, Kaye. Thanks, everyone!
Don't get the Zicam. In the Jan. 2007 issue of Consumer Reports says: " Test-tube studies have shown that high levels of zinc might curb the growth of cold viruses and production of infection-fighting substances. But only about half of the clinical trials we looked at for nasal zinc have found that it shortens or eases a cold. More important, studies with animals and case reports suggest that nasal zinc may cause loss of smell, possibly permanent. Last year we unearthed more than 200 coplaints to the Food and Drug Administration about an impaired sense of smell, taste, or both after using zinc nasal products. And about 340 consumers have sued Matrixx Initiatives,the maker of Zicam, claiming loss of smell. Last January the company agreed to settle almost all outstanding lawsuits without admitting fault. Matrixx's promotion of Zicam is being investigted by the Federal Trade Commission, which regulates product advertising. Oral zinc is probably safe if you take less than 40 milligrams a day. But the evidence on its efficacy is also mixed. CR's take. The possible risk posed by nasal zinc outweights any benefit. It's not clear whether oral zinc is worth taking for colds. "
I've been taking the oral meltaways, not the nasal swabs, but I didn't know this and most of my friends and family swear by Zicam swabs. I don't have any idea off hand what the dosage of zinc is in the meltaways but I'll take any excuse to stop taking them. Thanks for the heads-up, Ginny!