Need suggestions on what type of globe to buy
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive November 2006:
Need suggestions on what type of globe to buy
My 8 y/o DS wants a globe. I have been looking around and have seen the plain jane globes as well as the ones with all of the bells and whistles. Have any of you purchased a globe for your kids? I'm looking at getting one of the globes that interact with the user but I'm not sure which one. I also have a 10 y/o DD that would probably use so it needs to be more educational than fun. Thanks for your help.
We have the Geo Safari talking globe. The kids love it.
Honestly, the plain jane ones seem fine to me. That's what my kids have and it sparks all kinds of interests and discussions. There's something about a spinning, suspended ball that attracts little hands and minds and I can't think of a good reason to spend more then $30 or $40 on one. Hopefully this will be a learning tool that will get touched a lot by dirty, sticky fingers so get one you can easiy toss and replace if need be. Where I would spend my money is in a really nice and comprehensive atlas that they can consult after exploring the globe. The other great thing about the cheap ones, they come easily off they're holder for rolling around the living room floor. Harry discovered this when he was a toddler.
We also have the Geo Safari talking globe. My parents got it for my dks, so I don't know the cost. They love it. They have had it for over a year, and they still play with it often.
We paid $100 for it over a year ago. They use it often and love answering all the questions. It is an excellent learning tool---because they enjoy it. My kids are 10 & 12 in age.