How can I help my baby's mouth sores?
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive October 2006:
How can I help my baby's mouth sores?
Helen has been on Augmentin for a week. She's been realy cranky and complaining that her mouth hurts. She won't eat anything but yogurt. Every time I've looked in her mouth, I've found nothing. Today I found three sores that look like canker sores. They are not red, and she has no rash anywhere else, so I don't think it's a virus. More likely, it's a rare reaction to the Augmetin - which she's been on qutie a bit. What can I do to relieve the pain? My sister, a dentist, already suggested salt water or peroxide on a qtip. Any other moms btdt who have a better solution? I'm taking her to the doc tomorrow. Thanks, Ame
Will she rinse and spit out a liquid? My dks had hand, foot and mouth disease this summer and they swished a mix of Benedryl and Mylanta around their mouths to relieve the pain from all the sores. It worked quite well. Otherwise, have you tried Motrin or Tylenol? No other suggestions but I hope she's feeling better soon.
Benadryl and Mylanta? Even if she won't spit, it won't hurt herto swallow it. What if I painted it on the mouth with a q-tip? Thanks Tink!. Ame
Ditto Tink-I've heard of that mixture too.No advice but I hope Helen is feeling better soon.((HUGS))
If she has been on antibiotics a lot I wonder if she has a little case of thrush. You could try gentian violet, which is what I used when my dd had thrush, word of caution she will have a VERY purple mouth.
No problem. I hope it helps. Emily has a good point. The doctor should be able to diagnose thrush but this mixture will help until then.
She just woke up screaming. She kept saying she wanted to go to sleep ... I feel so helpless. I gave her Tylenol (Motrine earlier - teething tablets earlier (to relieve inflammation and pain.) Ame
Ditto Emily about the thrush. If she has been on antibiotics a lot, it could be thrush. It looks like little white blisters. It is pretty painful, so you may want to have her checked.
Yeah, she might need some medicine for that! Ditto on taking her back to the doctor.
Took her this morning. She has Stomatitis which could be viral or not, could be contagious or not, too many variables ... All I can do is piggy-back motrine and tylenol. The doc also said to paint her gums with the same mixture Tink reccommended. She's been better this morning. She ate some very soft pancakes and some mac n cheese for lunch. She's also been much less cranky. I think the pain meds are helping. Thanks ladies. I knew it wasn't thrush. She had thrush once as an infant, so I know what that looks like. These are cancre sores for sure. Not blisters, either. I'm giving her some homeopathic teething medication, too. It relieves inflammation of the gums, so it should have some effect. Thanks again, ladies. Ame
Canker sores really hurt! I hate having them, too!
Bless her heart, I hope she's feeling better. I'm glad the pain meds give her some relief! Glad for you, too, Ame. It's such a helpless feeling, isn't it?
Taylor had that back in June and it was so painful for her. She would cry and cry nothing helped until the doctor prescribe her a mixture of Xylocane, Maalox and Benadryl. That is the ONLY thing that helped her. We even tried over the counter Hurricane Gel. Call you doctor and ask if they will prescribe that for her..again, it is the ONLY thing that helped Tay. ((Hugs))
Andi, thank you. Eveyone, thank you. Helen is feeling much better. The sores are starting to heal. She ate well today and is sleeping now. With any luck she'll continue to heal. Ame
Andi ... that's great to know should she get this again. If it's not viral, then chances are, it will be chronic. Ame