I Have to Go in for a Sleep Study.......
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive October 2006:
I Have to Go in for a Sleep Study.......
I went to see my family doctor today because my flare ups of pain and stiffness have been getting worse and more frequent. I get SO tired during the day, that I can fall asleep ANYWHERE...a meeting, church, a waiting room. Any place where I am forced to sit still for more than fifteen minutes. Fortunately, it has never happened while driving because it requires more alertness than just sitting listening to someone talk. I never watch a movie at home because I get too comfortable and fall asleep. Occassionally, I fall asleep in a movie theatre. What is worse is that any kind of exercise that I don't usually do will put me in bed for two days. My youngest DS, Mike, is replacing sidewalks at the local Baptist church as his Eagle Scout project. We had to pull up all of the old wooden boards, and dig to prepare the ground for crushed stone, sand and brick pavers. Just helping him dig caused me to hurt badly all over. I felt like my bones and joints were "burning". I got so fatigued, I had to go to bed. I am too young and too active to be sidelined by this, so I went to the doctor. He examined me, looking in my ears, nose and throat; listening to me breathe, and my heartbeat etc. He asked me if I snore. I told him that my DH will wake me up to get me to stop snoring. He (DH) says I also breathe very shallow when I sleep. The Dr said that I have a narrow passage in the back of my throat. He asked me if DH was ever worried that I stopped breathing. I told him that he probably wishes I would. LOL! He thinks that I am not getting restful sleep and therefore I don't get the REM sleep that is neccesary for the body to refresh itself. So-o-o....I guess I have to bring my jammies to the hospital and they will put all kinds of electrodes on me. I will spend the night there. They will call me with the appointment. I HOPE that he is on the right track. I just want my stamina back.