Crockpot Meals
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive October 2006:
Crockpot Meals
I know there is a recipe board but since we are on this subject I thought I would just throw it here for now. I only cook soups and roasts in mine what other things can you do in it. I saw lasagna, meatloaf and taco meat how do you cook these things? What other things do you ladies cook and how do you do it?
I use Andi's taco meat recipe on the Crockpot board with chicken or a beef or pork roast. I was inspired by the other crockpot thread so I just threw in some of Trina's honey lemon chicken. I usually just dump in a type of meat (boneless, skinless chicken breasts, roasts, porkchops, meatballs), a veggie or two (carrots, potatoes, canned or frozen corn, peas) and some kind of liquid and seasoning (chicken broth, teriyaki sauce, jar of gravy, cream of _____ soup, salsa, BBQ sauce), turn it on low for 8 hours and see how it turns out. It's been pretty rare that we hate something. The Fix it and Forget it cookbook is a great place to see how so many people make the same dishes with their own twist to it. Personally, I find it hard to screw up crockpot cooking. That's probably why I like it so much.
Ditto Tink! I've never done a soup in mine, but just pork, chicken, and beef. I've never done lasagna or spaghetti, although I've seen the recipes for them, but I like mine already! I'm like Tink...I throw in a meat, water or a can of soup but usually water, and spices that I think look interesting from my cupboard. I don't think we've had anything we hated either. It's just usually "next time maybe a little more this or a little less of that". I sometimes make a note and stick it in my recipe file, sometimes not. I'm telling you we had teh best BBQ chicken last week and it was no big deal! I threw in chicken breasts and COVERED them with BBQ sauce and a little bit of water. It was last minute and I didn't even think about putting anything else in. They were delicious! I also don't always cook things on low because I don't think of them until too late. I would say I cook about 80% of my crock pot stuff on high and it doesn't affect the taste at all. I just check my little book to make sure it's enough time. Especially with chicken and chops, it really only takes about 4-5 hrs. on high. I will often put in something after Natalie has lunch around 1:00. We eat dinner between 6-6:30.