Fitness question
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive October 2006:
Fitness question
When you're running or walking (either), do you focus on distance or time or does it matter? Sometimes, depending on my mood, I set the treadmill for 30 min., and today I set it for miles (2). Then I go until it beeps at me. Is that what you do? When the weather permits, I walk outside and always go by distance. I don't even carry a watch. We live in the country, so I can easily count miles by country roads. Is there a right way? When I set myself up for mileage, whether it's indoors or out, it doesn't take as long.
I think time is the most important thing to keep track of, according to the experts. They suggest a minimum of 30 minutes of activity per day, and logically, the greater the distance, the longer it is going to take. I am working myself up to an hour and a half per day. I am currently up to about a 50 minute walk.
I don't know which is technically the right way. I am focusing on distance right now because I am training to run a 5k. I think it is recommended that you exercise for 30 minutes a day, so as long as you are doing that, you are doing well. I did read a fitness book that talks about maximizing your workouts, so you are working smarter, not longer. It focused on interval training, which is great for weight loss and muscle building. the workouts were just 30 minutes, but boy were they hard.
I'm not sure.I just started walking with ankle weights on and WOW what a difference.I don't walk as far or as long but my walks are more effective.I feel it in my calves,thighs and butt.I have to remember the distance back though.I like to walk until I'm tired and then I realize I still have to walk home.LOL
For some reason, I just like saying to myself "I walked/ran 3 miles today" versus "I walked/ran for x amount of time", you know? Maybe it's just me. I do walk and run combos on my treadmill. I'm not a good runner, but I'm trying it lately. I warm up, then run as long as I can (which is about 5 min.!) then fast walk, then back to run again when I catch my breath. I do 2 miles, but that doesn't take time was just under 15 min. I feel good about the 2 miles but not the 15minutes! LOL I used to use ankle weights also really makes a HUGE difference, doesn't it? I haven't used those for a while. I sometimes will do wrist weights when I walk only, and I really feel it in my upper body the next day. I've been thinking lately about how much I miss DH and I working out together. Before Natalie, we often worked out together after work, or at least overlapped our workouts. We did 8 mi. bike rides at least once a week back then. It was great. Now he works out during his lunch so that we have more family time in the evenings. It works out well, but I still miss it! Sherri - I know what you mean! That's why I always like to walk/run outside because I keep going and going and then I HAVE to go back. I can't just jump off the treadmill and bail!
I like to set a specific distance too. Sometimes I just don't have as much time, so I can only go for a little bit and have no choice, but to hop off the treadmill to get a crying baby boy. I know what you mean about feeling like you've accomplished something when you can say "I walked this far."
I never thought of using wrist weights for upper body.What a good idea!! Thanks
When I do my 5k run/walk, I focus on the distance usually, but sometimes I go by time because I know how long it should take me to do approximately 5k. It also depends on who I'm running with. I run for 10 mins then walk for 1 minute. I do this as long as it takes to do the 5k. I think you do what you feel comfortable with and how you judge it is up to you, whether its by time or by distance.
I like to do it according to how many calories I burn, you can figure it out free along with other great things at I am generally trying to lose weight. I can add speed or add weight to a run/walk/hike if I need to burn more calories. I am also training for triathlons so I do distance during training.