Which Works Better.... Frontline Plus or K-9 Advantix????
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive September 2006:
Which Works Better.... Frontline Plus or K-9 Advantix????
I have always used Frntline Plus on my animals because that is what my vet recommends. However, this year has been such an AWFUL year for fleas. We just can't get rid of them! The last time I needed Frontline, I ordered them on 1-800 Pet Meds because it is a bit of a drive to the vet's office. I was comparing the feedback on the site between the two products. I called my vet to ask WHY they only sell Frontline Plus. One of the techs said that there is an ingredient in K-9 Advantix that the vets in that group think is harmful. They did tell me that I could apply the Frontline every three weeks instead of every four if we are having a bad infestation. I was talking to DD tonight, whose Beagle and her cats don't have one flea. She said that the girls at work suggested Advantix and she tried it with great success. I think that fleas can build up a tolerance to one kind of treatment. My dog has an appointment in the morning for his routine shots. I am going to ask the vet again. My "grand dog" is still alive, so it can't be all that bad. Which works better for you?
Frontline works fine for my cats, but I won't use anything once we get a frost.
Scott, who is a veterinary technician and worked at the Vet School at the Univ. of PA for several years, uses Frontline with his animals. I haven't asked him why, but I know that's what he uses. However, I would use it all year round. You don't know if any fleas are hiding out in some warm spot around your house or area just waiting for a nice warm dog to hop on to. We've always used the once a month anti-flea stuff all year round on our cats and dogs, for that reason.
I know depending on where you live, some do use it all year around. When I lived in the Chicago area, we only used flea stuff on the warmer months. Here in Va Beach, we are told to use it all year long. I use "Sentinal", which is a heartworm/flea pill combined, we use it once a month. Basically, it stops the fleas from reproducing. We have never had any flea problems from using Sentinal. BUT...we were on vacation last month. My 2 dogs went to 2 different places. My one dog came back with some fleas grrrr...I know my dog did not have fleas when she left this house. We found a couple on her. Immediately we bathed her in a flea shampoo, and put frontline on her when we were done. I keep Frontline here(although we dont use it normally)I figured the Frontline combined with the Sentinal pill we were good to go. Thankfully we have not seen any more fleas, and my other dogs did not get any either.
My vet said this morning that some animals are more prone to fleas than others. Our Brittany Spaniel seems to be the worst. I also asked her about the Frontline vs. Advantix. She said that K-9 Advantix has an added ingredient to fight ticks. (Hence, the "tix"). While it isn't harmful to dogs, it is DEADLY to cats. She said that their practice alone has seen ten cats die from exposure to it just this summer. You can't use it on cats, but if you have both dogs and cats, she said that the cat is still in danger of exposure from rubbing on the dog, or sleeping on the same bedspread as the dog. She said that that is why they only carry Frontline Plus, though it is NOT recommended that you use the dog Frontline on the cat. She DID suggest ADVANTAGE. It doesn't have the added tick ingredient, and she says that she thinks it does a better job on fleas than Frontline. They have a cat formula and a dog formula. I can get it from 1-800 Pet Meds or the Drs. Foster and Smith catalog. I stopped in to see the dog groomer next door when I was done at the vet. She said that she ONLY recommends ADVANTAGE. I'm going to order some. Unfortunately, I have to wait three weeks to use it because I just Frontline'd everybody.
We use Revolution, covers heart worm as well.
We had such a problem this year and the groomer said nothing is working that she has found it best to alternate between the two.
We used Advantage. Our vets had some specials running on frontline. When I asked about switching, the girls that work the front desk as well as assist in the animal rooms all said Advantage worked better. Sounds like it all depends on your animal are area you live in.