It's Happened Again ~ School Shoting
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive September 2006:
It's Happened Again ~ School Shoting
I can't believe this has happened again. 19 people were shot yesterday at a College in my former city of Montreal. One person died. Both DH and I attended Dawson College, I can't stop crying, this is such a tragedy. I lived in Montreal during the 1989 École Polytechnique massacre and it was terrifying, what is wrong with people? Please pray for the victims and their families. Sorry title should say "shooting"
It is a very sad thought that Innocent people are hurt/killed in these situations. It is an even sadder thought that someone would sink to such a level in their lives to think that this would be an okay thing to do. Very upsetting to think of the things that we do to each other...