Male BC
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive September 2006:
Male BC
Male birth control pill soon a reality
Honestly, I just can't imagine trusting any man, including my dh, to take a pill daily to prevent me from getting pregnant. If my dh were to take it, I'd be a Nazi about watching him take it every morning. If I were single and the one-night stand type, I certainly wouldn't trust someone I met in a bar to have responsibly taken it long enough to prevent pregnancy. I do think it's great that they are providing a pill for men and giving them the option to bear responsibility, ultimately I just don't think men will be careful enough since they aren't the ones that will become pregnant. I DO think it's a good idea for the type of men that women set out to trap into marriage or child support, like actors, singers or athletes. Just for the common man? I don't think so.
Although BC is no longer an issue in our household, I think this is great! I was not promiscuous when single, but *if* I were a "one-night stand type" in this day and age I would practice safe sex regardless if the male claimed to be on the pill or not. (Besides pregnancy, HIV and VD are issues.) Anything that safely prevents unwanted pregnancies is a good thing in my book. Even within monogomous relationships, if both partners are practicing BC the failure rate drops considerably.
Honestly, I think it's a level of trust. I would trust my spouse or SO to take it if I knew they were responsible about timing and taking it every day. I have an alarm on my phone to remind me to take mine, so I don't see why it's any different for a man to take it.
I think it would be a great double protection against pregnancy. I mean if you really don't want to get pregnant then why not have both you and your partner on bc? That way if you miss a pill or whatever there is a backup protection.