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We will never have these kids over again! VENT

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive August 2006: We will never have these kids over again! VENT
By Bellajoe on Friday, August 18, 2006 - 02:37 pm:

My kids have friends over right now. These kids are brother and sister and the same ages as my kids. This has been an awful "playdate". I don't know. Maybe i am just PMSing right now but these kids have been driving me up the wall today.
They got here and all four of them start running around and screaming so loudly! The other kids would run into my room and close the door! I quickly told them that there would be no playing in my room.
My dd always keeps her room very clean. But right now it is a disaster. The little girl takes everything out and they don't even play with the stuff they take out. My dd's Easter dress was even on her bed! I know dd didn't take it out.
The little boy threw wooden blocks down the stairs! In my new house!
They went outside to play. Dd told the other little girl that she can not go down the slide on the swingset because it is not attached to the swingset yet. Of course she didn't listen to dd and climbed up the slide to go down it, and it fell over. duh!
Son and the little boy argued over everything for the first hour they were here.
I turn around and the little girl is eating a banana. She didn't even ask for it. I would have said yes of course, but i just find it so rude that she took it without asking.
THEN they were playing Playstation and the little boy told his sis ter that she "sucked" at the game. I told him that "We do not use that word in this house." He asked me why? So i explained to hime that it isn't a nice word to say and we don't say it in our house. He said a few more times before he finally got the picture that he MAY NOT say that word in our house.

UGH! I wish the mom would come get them already. She is a teacher and is getting her classroom ready. She said she would be back on 2 hours. It has now been 2 hours and 36 minutes!
I am so close to calling her and telling her that we have to be somewhere soon just so she will come and get her little monsters.
Ds has told me a few times that he never wants to play with the little boy again. UGH! I do not blame him.

By Cat on Friday, August 18, 2006 - 02:50 pm:

Wow. Your post wore me out! I have one of those houses that is quite often crazy, but man those two sound like they'd give ME and run for my money! lol Even with 6 day care kids, my two boys and their friends (we usually have 1 or 2 neighbors over most times) it doesn't sound as bad as the play date you've had. I hope the mom gets there soon. I agree with you--don't have them over again. Hugs

By Paulas on Friday, August 18, 2006 - 02:52 pm:

Oh my gosh! That is rude. I would let the mom know what happened. If she isn't made aware then she can't address the issue with them.

I understand why she is not there yet though. I meant to spend 2 hours in my classroom last night and was there for almost 3. I only left then b/c DS and DH were with me and wanted to get home (it was 10:30pm!).

Hope she gets there soon :)

By Colette on Friday, August 18, 2006 - 02:54 pm:

Oh that's awful! I'd call the mother and find out where she is. Ds had a friend like that, I had to call my aunt to vent during the visit because I was ready to tie the kid to a tree in the front yard and leave him there til his mother came.

By Bellajoe on Friday, August 18, 2006 - 02:58 pm:

Oh Colette, i wish i could do that right now!

My ds is now sitting down playing Playstation quietly. The others are still running mad!!
I offered to put a movie on for them, but the little boy didn't want to watch a movie. :(

I'm glad you guys think these kids are bad too. I was hoping it wasn't just me.

By Karen~admin on Friday, August 18, 2006 - 03:16 pm:

Definitely not just you. UGH! I'm with you, this would be the last time those kids played at *my* house!

By Tunnia on Friday, August 18, 2006 - 03:22 pm:

I don't blame you for not wanting to have those children over again. It sounds like they are totally out of control.

By Tripletmom on Friday, August 18, 2006 - 03:26 pm:

Wow-I could have written you're post just a couple of days ago.Unfortunatley these are one of my best friends kids.We don't have them over too much.They don't respect anything.They actually really don't play with anything they just like to destroy and make a big mess.There's just no way they could have played with everything thats everywhere.I find myself waiting for them to do something so I can pounce on them.I've just slowly dwindle my time with them so they don't come over as much.(((HUGS))) They day will end and you'll appreciate that you've done good with you're dk's.

By Bellajoe on Friday, August 18, 2006 - 03:32 pm:

They are finally gone!!
I did end up calling the mom to tell her that we needed to be somewhere soon. I just couldn't take it anymore. She was already on her way here when i called her so that's good.
I did tell her that her ds and mine fought most of the time. But she seemd to not be surprised or something.

I told the kids that the mom was on her way. The little girl just goes "do you have any ice cream?" YEAH! As IF!
I told her no (we have 2 gallons).
Then i told them that they had to clean up before the mom got here. The little girls says "isn't the playroom supposed to be messy?" I could have screamed!
Then my ds asked for a cookie. So i told them they could each have a cookie AFTER they cleaned up the rooms.
I am not kidding you. The little boy must have snuck (is that a word?) like 4 cookies before the mother noticed and told him "no more".

Thank goodness we are going to a wedding tonight. I will be getting several glasses of wine to calm my nerves!!

I'm so exhausted!

By Dawnk777 on Friday, August 18, 2006 - 07:53 pm:

Wow, that sounds exhausting. Most of the play dates, my kids had, I hardly knew I had extra kids in the house, but there was the neighbor girl, who liked to hit and kick people. She was a pain sometimes.

By Emily7 on Friday, August 18, 2006 - 09:48 pm:

I am glad they finally got picked up.

By Sandysmom on Friday, August 18, 2006 - 10:40 pm:

Wow, I have BTDT. I can especially relate to the room issue. My DD had a friend who would get into her closet and try to wear her clothes. She was like 2 sizes larger than my DD and even ripped a nightgown. ARGGGGGHHHH!!!! Then, DD had a pastel set for crafts, they were not the crayon-like ones, but the ones that look like eye shadow. Well, when she got through with it, they were totally destroyed. Then, she would have eaten us out of house & home but I finally had to say something. Don't get me wrong, I'm very generous with DD's friends, but this little girl just plucked my last nerve. I hope you have a better night.

By Hol on Friday, August 18, 2006 - 11:57 pm:

Oh my gosh, I think we have all been there with bratty kids (other people's) at some point in our lives. I'm glad they're gone, for your sake. They sound HORRIBLE, ill mannered and foul-mouthed. I think I'd let that friendship between the kids "die on the vine". I don't think it would do any good to talk to the Mom because there is a reason that her kids are the way they are, and her reaction when you did try to tell her some things spoke for itself.

I don't think I'd want my kids playing at THEIR house either. Mom sounds clueless.

No, you're definitely NOT over-reacting. I just hope that you had a good time at the wedding. I think I'd be ready for bed. :)

I can't stand rude children. My DD used to have two sisters over to play once in a while. They were the same way. They would pick up my mail off the table and go through it, and COMMENT on each piece!!! They picked up everyhting else in the house, too. The last straw was when they told my DD that she (and we) weren't going to Heaven because we didn't go to their church.

When we were in the military, we had given notice to our landlord because we were being transferred. He asked us if we would mind showing the house to prospective tenants. They were another military family. Well, it was like the parents said "You have 3 minutes to destroy the whole house". They were jumping on my bed, going in my fridge, harrassing my dog. It was AWFUL!! I don't know if they ever rented the house after we left. I hope not, since DH and I had painted it all out, and had kept it really nice while we lived there.

I'm sorry that you had such an awful day. ((HUGS)).

By Dawnk777 on Saturday, August 19, 2006 - 01:39 am:

When we were in the military, we had given notice to our landlord because we were being transferred. He asked us if we would mind showing the house to prospective tenants. They were another military family. Well, it was like the parents said "You have 3 minutes to destroy the whole house". They were jumping on my bed, going in my fridge, harrassing my dog. It was AWFUL!! I don't know if they ever rented the house after we left. I hope not, since DH and I had painted it all out, and had kept it really nice while we lived there.

I would have been SO dead, if I had ever tried this as a kid. My kids would have just stayed by us, and not said a word! They didn't like talking to strangers much, when they were younger.

By Hol on Saturday, August 19, 2006 - 11:25 pm:

Oh, me too, Dawn!! When I was little, and my parents went visiting, we had to sit by our parents and not say a word, no matter how long they talked, or how bored we were. And we NEVER asked for anything to eat or drink. There was an elderly couple that my parents used to visit. I think my Dad had met the man at work. I will always remember his wife because she was SO sweet! She had a slew of grandkids, and understood children very well. When she knew we were coming, she always made cupcakes or cookies for us, and we had soda or milk.

I expected the same behavior from my kids, and they were very good.

By Bea on Saturday, August 19, 2006 - 11:46 pm:

I guess it comes with age. There was a time I would have pulled out my hair, and shut up about a situation like this. Today, I would herd the monsters into my car, and drive them back to their idiot mother, who never taught them manners. I do not suffer fools or brats silently. I correct other people's children if they are on MY TURF. I believe I have that right. If their parents don't like it, they can take their brats and go.

By Dawnk777 on Sunday, August 20, 2006 - 12:39 am:

We had a older woman, who lived across the street, when we first moved to Sheboygan. She always let the kids have a piece of candy, when we went over to visit. I told my kids they were NEVER to ask for this piece of candy and just wait for her to offer it. She always did and liked that my kids never begged for it. We had plenty of talks, about that candy, at home, though.

By Bellajoe on Sunday, August 20, 2006 - 08:52 am:

The mother is a very sweet person but MAN is she clueless! We have been to thier house a few times. The first time it was a unexpected visit. We were at te pool and the kids didn't want to stop playing together so she said we could come over for a little bit. The house was a mess. The little girls room was a disaster area! You couldn't walk without stepping in clothes or one of her milllion baby dolls.
The rest of the house wasn' t that bad, but it was not clean either.
But since it was an unexpected visit, i just tried to understand. But the next time we went over, it was just as bad.
I am by no means a clean freak, but i do keep my house clean and clear of clutter.

I agree Bea, they were on MY TURF so i felt i had the right to tell them sternly (and after the second hour of them here, i was VERY STERN) what they can and can not do in my house.

After they left i had a talk with my kids. I just told them that i hoped they did not act the way those kids act at other peoples houses. I had to explain that it is very rude to run through people's houses screaming. They they may never take food with out asking for it (dd said the girl asked her for the banana tho), etc. etc. They both told me that they do not act like that.

Of course i know that they behave well at other people houses, because the other parents make a point to tell me how pleasant they are. But i just wanted them to know how disappointed i was in those other kids.

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