HELP...I've Lost My Address Bar on My Computer!!!!
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive August 2006:
HELP...I've Lost My Address Bar on My Computer!!!!
My charming, fat cat jumped on the keyboard while I was typing to you all, and now I have no address bar. I can't go anywhere but MV (not that that is a BAD thing! ) How can I get it back? Also, he did something to my print size as well. I rememeber that we recently had a discussion about that. How do I fix that? I love my pets, but they can be a real pain sometimes. ** I have MV in my "Favourites" but that's obliterated, too. All I have is the bar with the REFRESH icon, etc. TIA!
I just solved my own problem. I clicked on "maximize" and it came back, thank goodness! PS Anyone want a cat?? LOL!
LOL! On Gary's computer tower, the reset button sticks out quite nicely, plus, his tower doesn't quite fit into the desk. Soooo, if you are working on something important and the dog is nearby, you NEED to save often, because all of a sudden your computer can be rebooting! LOL!
I'm glad you figured it out. Dh is always doing stuff to the computer. If he ever left me, the computer would become an expensive bookend.