How old is my dog?
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive July 2006:
How old is my dog?
I know weird title but what is a dogs age compared to it years? Wilber turned 6 in June so what does that make him age compared to a human. Is it 6 yrs per year or 7? Thanks ladies.
I thought it was 7 yrs. for dogs, but I could be wrong. If so, Wilber is equivalent to a 42 yr. old human. (My age! LOL!)
According to my vet 7 years is not accurate. He had a chart that he referred to. It had to do with the size of the dog.
Just Googled and found this. Dog Years
Kali is 55. And I believe it, the last year she has really slowed down and mellowed.
According to this chart above my Wilber is 42 since he is between 21-50lbs. He is now a senior so I think it is time to go for another check up.
According to the Cat Age calculator Andy is 73 and Mandy is 61.
I just cannot believe in the last 6 months how much he has slowed down from before. just thinking my Wilber is a Senior makes me sad. I have had him since he was 3 months old. I think I am going to have to start him on some healthier dog food. He just gets the store brand cheap stuff but he is getting kindof round for his small body so he needs to shrink some. I will see what the Vet says. He is going to hate me by the end of next week. Beauty parlor this weekend Vet next week.