Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive June 2006:
In Christylee's thread about her mom's bad experience with her DR,it was said that you should NOT take benydril along with high bp meds.Is this true? DH's bp meds makes him itch SEVERLY to the point of bleeding from scratching (they have changed it 2 or 3 times,and each one does this),so the DR has him taking benydril SEVERAL times a day.Is this actually bad for him ?
I was a pharmacy tech many years ago, and I still remember a lot of stuff I learned from the pharmacists. Plus my DH has high blood pressure, too, and takes a beta blocker. Anti hypertensives sometimes do cause itching. To my knowledge, Benedryl is not harmful. (Sudafed is. It "revs you up"; increases the heart rate. Therefore, it should not be taken by people with high BP). The only side affect with Benadryl is drowsiness. If he's taking it several times a day, that's a lot of sedation. He must be very tired all day. In fact, diphenhydramine, which is the generic name for Benedryl is the "PM" part of Tylenol PM, Advil PM etc. It could be bad for him driving. Has he had spironolactone? Or HCTZ? They are diuretics (water pills). They sometimes are effective in reducing high bp. You need an RX, so talk to the doctor.
Thanks Hol,thats a great relief ! I'm not sure what all he is taking.He takes colesterol meds,too.He is very tired a lot,but he has a lot of stress on him ,too,which I think tends to make him depressed.And his eating habits are definately out of whack !