I'm feeling better today!
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive June 2006:
I'm feeling better today!
I can actually walk and sit without that constant reminder of aches. I can move much better this morning. If I move too fast or too far, it will hurt, but other than that I am feeling so much better. YEAH!
Glad to hear you are doing a bit better. Still go to the doc though
Great to hear, Dana! Something else to think of - when you get GOOD sleep, you hurt less too!
Glad you are feeling better. Try not to over-do it.
So hard not to over do w/ kids, as you all know. Took it easy. Had to take DD to a bday party at the park. It was SO hot the kids were generally happy under the shade after playing a while, so I was not chasing the baby as much as normal. Sitting at a park bench got to me however, so we left before the party was 1/2 over. DD still had a great time and saw her best friend from school since school ended. Came home and took a relaxing shower and making some fresh iced tea to sip while I go sit w/ my ice pack. You just gotta LOVE the invention of ice packs that don't freeze! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Thanks for letting me type my woes and joys out here. You know you hate complaining to those you live around, but you ladies, well, you can choose to read or skip LOL. Without this outlet I would just be keeping all these random thoughts to myself and driving myself crazier.