Why does time fly?
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive May 2006:
Why does time fly?
Do you say every year "This year just flew by".. I know I do. I swear, this year just flew by, quicker then the last. I do not know why. Sometimes it is scarey how fast time goes. I Love summer. I live for summer. As a kid summer was always my favorite time of year. Now, as an adult and a mother, I love summer just as much. Even though, the kids tend to argue more in the summer because they are home together.I still love summer vacation. To me it represents freedom, no waking the kids up early for school, no packing lunches. No making sure I am home to pick my daughter up at 2:30 from school(we are in the walking zone). I love what summer represents, the hot, lazy days of floating in the pool, or going to the library and browzing books just for fun. Believe or not, my kids still love going to the library, even in the summer. I love going for walks after dinner, I love getting ice-cream, just because. I love the fact it does not get dark until close to 9. I love the fact that we always go on vacation during the summer. My kids all have summer birthdays, so its a summer filled with birthday planning and party shopping. Gosh I sound like a big kid dont I???? I think it is because it is about 85 and Sunny today. I had Faith in the yard. We played with her sand and water table. We explored the backyard, and all the toys and things she was too small to play with last year. I pushed her in her swing attached to the swingset. We explored the flowers, and the weeds LOL... Ahhh... the lazy days of summer. I can enjoy these quiet days with just me and Faith, for another 3 weeks, then school is out.
I know!! DH and I keep thinking that this time next year we will be looking at preschools for Natalie. WHAT??#$%!! How can that even be possible? Every minute flies around here it seems like.
I love it, too, Jackie! Years fly by, but sometimes even individual days fly by, too! Sometimes, I feel like I just got up and it's already time to go to bed! School years fly by, too. It seems like forever in September, but by May, I wonder where the time went! Sarah only has one more year of high school. I'm sure it's going to fly by, too. I know that for each of my girls that their middle school years flew by, in an instant!
As the android Data said on Star Trek The Next Generation when he was trying to figure out human abstract phrases, such as "Time flies when you are having fun," he observed that the perception of time seems to imply that time went more quickly when in fact it didn't go any faster than it normally does. Sorry, I'm just such a Trekkie. When we are truly happy, time has no meaning.