Comedy club-Moms night out
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive April 2006:
Comedy club-Moms night out
I wanted to start another post. Even though I was still irked that they decided to bring their husbands, I had a great time. It was really a nice evening. I left the house around 7:15 and returned home at 10pm. That was a long time for me to be out at night with no kids or husband LOL... Caroline Rhea was a hoot. I was still surprised that somebody famous was so close to my house LOL They had 3 other comics on before her. She was actually standing behind us, eating a piece of chocolate cake before it was her turn to go on.I did have one alcohol drink, a Strawberry Daquari LOL.. As you can see, I dont get out much. A lot of her show had to do with a lot of sex jokes, but the crowd had to be at least 21. Anyways, I had a great time despite of the other ladies changing it to couples. Im glad my friend came with me as I would of felt really stupid sitting there by myself. Oh, and to top it off. We parked on the 6th floor of the parking garage, and it got stuck. My first time being stuck in a elevator. We were only stuck for about 5 minutes, but still. What a way to end a night.
I'm glad you had a great time.
I am glad that you had a good time despite the change of plans. I would have freaked about the elevator. This sounds so stupid but I would not go in an elevator with someone I did not know until I was in college. That was my biggest fear being stuck in an elevator. I still don't like them but will get in them as needed.
Jackie\Beth, my mom instilled the biggest fear of elevators into me when I was a child - because she claimed she was either stuck in one that caught fire, or stuck in one and was molested - we never really knew if either story was true. But she was completely claustrophobic, so there must have been some grounds for it. Anyway, she went on about it until we all had the fear of death in us about elevators. I used to panic - when I was in Acapulco when I was 14, I WALKED 14 flights of steps rather than get in the elevator! Over the years I dealt with my elevator phobia because I was determined not to be like my mom was. And lo and behold, one day I was stuck in an elevator in a department store! It's a scary thing, especially when you see elevators crashing on TV movies of the week all the time. LOL Point - yes, there is a point - you can't let fear control your life because it will cripple you if you do. Glad to hear you had a good time in spite of the hubbies being along. I agree, mom's night out should be just the moms - no hubbies involved, except for babysitting, of course! LOL
Glad you had a good time!! I've been stuck in an elevator - alone, and it freaked me out. It was only a few minutes, but now, I am really leary of elvators. If I can take the steps, I will. (It does me good to do that anyway, LOL) Now, hopefully, they won't invite their husbands to the next Mom's night out!