Graduation from High School
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Graduation from High School
MY oldest DD is graduating this year & her announcements just came in. I also have Party invitations that I need to ALL get out in the mail! UGH!!! And include a senior pic in some of them. I've got alot to do. I accidentally downloaded a virus Monday night - it was an email from UPS or so I thought about a package - which I thought we hadnt received yet - but come to find out later - we had! So our computer has been down for the past 2 full days with my husband trying to clear it out. So - Im backed up on ALOT of things! aint no rest for the wicked!!
I have SOOOOO MUCH to do!!! & Cant seem to get going! I have her party invitations printed out - her announcements have arrived - but I cant seem to sit down & put it all together - let alone ADDRESS the envelopes!!! All 200 of them! MAN! Why does this all seem to fall on the Mothers shoulders??
Because as moms, we take it all on.
I seriously need a drink!!! and it's only 11 am!!!
Yucks! Don't pick up that bad habit!
No - Im sorry I even said it, Cant venture down that road!
Yeah, easy habit to pick up. It works and then it controls you. Who wants something to control you.