Facebook revisited.....
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Facebook revisited.....
I'm still learning how to use that site. And I recently loaded some photos (loved the quick upload features!). I am "friends" with several of you here, but I've added so many people so fast, I'm having a tough time figuring out where some of my friends have come from (anyone else feel that way?) So, if you are already a friend of mine there (Dana Callahan) can you post here and let me know? Most of you I am aware of our facebook relationship, but I don't want to have someone fall thru my cracks (and my brain is full of cracks!). If you are not my friend there and you are on facebook, feel free to look me up and add me as a friend. And once you are there, you can view my photos to see who we are....and how we have grown for those who have known me for many years.
I am a little slow. I only signed up for Facebook 2 days ago. For me it is easier to use then Myspace LOL
Well, it's all those "applications" that keep throwing me for a loop. You get hit by snowballs, you have an army of snowmen, get voted as a nice person etc etc etc. but when I click on it, it looks like I am about to do something I don't want to do (like sharing info about me and ALL my contacts to 3rd parties). As for keeping up with everyone, I find it very easy.
Dana, I just added you. As for the apps, just ignore them if you don't want to take part. I do some of them, especially if they raise money for a cause, but ignore many.
I'm your friend on there = )
I'm Dawn Klein. I don't have time for the applications. I'm lucky I get there once in a while, to update my "statement."
Hi Dana! We are friends there. I like the applications. They are great when I am putting off cleaning. LOL.
Hi Dana, We are now friends on FB, I am "Melissa Missy Oberle Hopkins", I'm from London Ontario Canada.
I still only have myspace.......maybe I'll get around to facebook and play with the grownups now. LOL
come on over karen lol i actually hardly ever check my myspace anymore lol = )
We're friends, Dana.
Is there a Dora here? And Sandy from PA? If your screen name and real name don't match, I don't know who everyone is. And even if your names match, I'm still really bad about connections. Esp when I have more than one cyber friend with same name (Melissa, I have 3 cyber Melissas. I have a few Catherines too.)
Dana, I recommended a bunch of people to you. Those were all momsview moms.
Here's the other thread about facebook, to make some better connections between screennames and real names.
I recommended some too and they were all momsview moms
I'm on there but mainly to keep in contact with a friend who loathes myspace. I use myspace more often. I don't care for facebook very much. I don't do applications so maybe that's why? I hate that myspace does applications now. (Although I do have the poker one, to prove to DH that I play better than him. LOL)
Dawn, I recommended Dora and Sandy. I can't remember their screen names here, but they are members.
Thanks for the update Crystal.