Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive September 2008:
VERY SCARY, SAD THING HAPPENED AT OUR HIGH SCHOOL TODAY I work as a noon-aide at the Elementary school. I showed up to work and found out that we were in lock down because of the high school incident. It's hard to explain to children from 5-11 yrs old, why they had to have indoor recess on such a beautiful day. Scary stuff. I pray that they put metal detectors in the schools, BEFORE anyone actually gets hurt. This happened at the high school my dh attended and the one we plan to send our kids to.
I can not bring the link up. Could be me, since tornadoes are in the area. My kids went to school today and have been in lockdown all day. I don't know what to say since I can not read the story. Prayers are in order, I suspect, though. Sending them your way.
my guess is that this is the story she is talking about??? not totally sure though. Still can't make a link.. need to have dh show me how.
Wow. How scary for everyone! I'm glad no one was hurt. I hope this kids gets the help he sounds like he desperately needs. This could have ended so much worse.
Yes, that is the correct link. Thanks for finding it and linking it, Heidi. Yes, it's very scary to see any high school go thru this, but extra scary when it's a high school you know and drive by EVERY day!!
OMGosh.....that is terrifying. This happens way too often the last few years. NOT OK!!!
Yikes! I'm glad Emily just had a boring afternoon at school! (She only had to be there at noon today, since they do a special orientation program, in the morning, for incoming freshmen.)
Wow, how sad.
I heard something about this on NPR, and did a google, coming up with this story from the Cleveland Plain Dealer - highschool From what I heard on NPR and read in this article, the principal and vice principal, Paul Lombardo and Jeff Lyons, were real heroes. After initiating the lockdown, they went to the boy, and persuaded him to put down the gun and surrender to the police. It takes a whole lot of courage to walk towards a teenager whom you know has a loaded gun.
Thank God it went no further. I hope the kid gets the help he obviously needs.