Shots fired at mall today
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive August 2008:
Shots fired at mall today
and we were in the mall! Dd, ds and I came downstairs from one of the anchor stores, ready to reenter the main mall. When we got to the entry way the store's gate was down. Managers were standing there telling everyone that the mall was on lock-down, there had been shots fired in the mall. Okay, I start to panic inside and moved my kids away from the opening of the gate. Then another store employee came up from behind and said the police want everyone to evacuate the store using the parking lot entrance. Everyone walks quickly to the door then the police, holding shotguns at the exit waved us through the doors into the parking lot. We then swiftly had to walk to our car which was on the other side of the building. All the while cops are everywhere, cruisers flying by, helicopters overhead. (The only funny part about the walk was that my 14 dd was texting her friends at the same time!) I don't think anyone was hurt, I'll find out tonight on the news but it was very scary.
Wow, that must have been terrifying! I'm glad you guys are all ok, and weren't right out where the shooter was!
No one was hurt and the police have some suspects in custody.
wow, how scary!
Glad no one was hurt!
Ok, that is scary!!! Glad you are ok.