My life stinks right now
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive August 2008:
My life stinks right now
It is ALWAYS something. Always. My 9 year old ds is driving me insane. My dh hates his job and can't go to school and do this job so I'm back to looking at want ads for him and maybe me, you just never know. The job isn't at all what they said it would be. He's hoping to find something that will allow him to go to school come January. After spring semester he was going to have what he needed to substitute teach but they just raised the requirements so that plan is shot. Now on to what is really bothering me. We just put over $600 into our car for it to pass inspection, tags, etc. This was last week. Now today it just shut off!!!!!!!! We were stranded- for maybe the 5th time this year. Yep, 5th different vehicle to be stranded in too. I hope it isn't too expensive. We're in the rebuilding emergency fund mode. Ugh! I wish we could get a month or two without something we need breaking!! I'm gonna go cry. I wish the job dh had for ten years would've held out.
I'm so sorry you're going through a rough spell. I know things will start to look up really soon. {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}
{{{{{Rayelle}}}}} I'm sorry things are so down right now. Hang in there and vent here as often as needed. More hugs
Big hugs, baby. Things will work out for you
Thanks. We got it going again but then it did need to be towed to a garage. Waiting to hear about that today. Keep your fingers crossed the other car we have gets sold for parts or whatever. The car shut off near the newspaper office after we placed the ad.
Rayelle, we need to get together! I hate to say this but my 17 dd is so determined to buy a car before school starts next Mon, she has no insurance...however; she would probably buy your car! Hang in there...
I hope things will start looking up for you Rayelle. (((Hugs)))
Hoping today is a better day.
Any news from the shop yet? You said earlier that you just put in $600 into the car to pass inspection. If the shut-off was caused by one of the things you just repaired, it should be covered under warranty. Let us know how you're doing.
Hoping that the repairs aren't that much... Sending you good luck vibes and hugs for a better day.
((((((Rayelle)))))) I'm sorry you are having a rough time!!!!!
Thank you so much ladies! If it weren't for bad luck I wouldn't have any at all I haven't heard about the car yet but I did get more bad news. Dh paid the phone bill online and forgot all about it so we are in trouble with overdrawing our account. I've been doing what I can though. I haven't really done much in the way of ebay before but today I spent about 7 hours posting 18 auctions so hopefully that will turn out to be worth it. I got my inspiration after all this My brother called and hopefully this evening holding my first nephew will brighten my day! Thanks again for your kindness!
Good luck with the Ebay stuff!
I can so feel your pain.. Any news about the car?
Not yet, the place we took it too is very busy. My mom offered me some money til payday (wasn't going to ask her you never know with her) to keep there from being any more stinking bank fees. After depositing that money I had a check bounce because a purchase we made was being held up twice! I called about that the other day and they released the one set of charges back and they actually withdrew the money yesterday yet for some reason the store was holding up for the same thing again?! The bank said they could see what was going on and would give me back some fees. I hope they do what a mess.
And we were supposed to go celebrate with my sister in law for her birthday tonight. We're out of course, had a babysitter and everything. I'm trying not to think of that I was looking forward to going. Being a grown up stinks!!!!
Woo-hoo! The bank apologized for the error and actually gave me back all the fees!! What a relief!
Good news.. Hope it all works out..
That's good!
The good news about the car is it is the coil and including labor for a new one it will be $220. The guy is going to call around about getting a good used one so it might be cheaper. What's bad it dh's company is switching from a weekly pay to a biweekly pay and we're in the middle of that right now. I knew it was coming of course but we just haven't had the time on the new job yet to build up any kind of emergency fund. We just put $600 into it. The guy also said there was something he could try that would be a temporary fix so we can at least use it until dh gets paid again. We'll find out if that's possible tomorrow. I tell you, tomorrow is my birthday and it's just never a good time of year.
$220 is pretty cheap, for a car repair, but if you are short on cash, anything is too expensive. We just put a fuel pump in my Ford Taurus and it cost $588 US! Ouch.
Yes, $220 is cheap especially being a volkswagon, it seems the parts are more than for other cars we've had. After the year we've had with cars I was expecting it to be something more expensive than the car. We just put about $600 on it for brakes and everything it needed to pass inspection. I guess the coil thing isn't part of that. Of course when we picked the car up after the inspection was certified it wouldn't start. Times like this I wish I had a credit card but mostly I'm glad I don't.