Kids learned a valuable lesson
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive August 2008:
Kids learned a valuable lesson
My kids and the neighbor boy learned a valuable lesson in planning this morning. They asked last night if they could sleep on the trampoline in the neighbor's back yard. Okay, that's fine. We're right here, neighbors are there and they have a big do that was sleeping outside with them. They all have cell phones, too. Well, they failed to think of the automatic sprinklers coming on VERY early this morning. Randy and the neighbor boy had a very rude awakening. Robin was far enough over on the trampoline to avoid getting wet, but the other boys got soaked! Randy said they tried to "tough it out" but it got too cold so they finally went into the neighbor's house. By that time Randy was so wet he had to borrow clothes from the neighbor boy! SO that was their trampoline sleepover lesson. Rob and I had a really good laugh.
Lol!!! Wow what a rude awakening!!! How cold was that!!
Oh no!!! Those poor kids. Can the neighbors over-ride the timer, for the sprinklers? Or is that what they failed to plan for? They'll have to try again, and remember to turn off the sprinkler system.
LOL what a rude awakening! But I would have laughed at that too!
Cat...too funny! I laughed out loud.
ROFL!!! hahahaha Poor guys!!
Oh man, poor guys! It is pretty funny though!
Poor guys... To bad no one thought about the sprinklers, however, lesson learned.
Now, during the school year, if you are having a hard time waking them up to get to school you can always threaten to make them sleep on the trampoline!! LOL