Saw my ob yesterday.
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive July 2008:
Saw my ob yesterday.
Everything is perfect. So far so good I'm currently 20 weeks and 2 days and I've only gained 4 pounds! The doc. says that is okay as long as I keep gaining as the pregnancy progreses, I was a little over weight to start with too. I get my ultrasound on August 25th! That seems like a lifetime away! I'm very anxious to find out the sex, as long as the baby lets us The heartrate was 150, and the baby kept pushing on the heartrate doppler thingy, it was cute! Well, just wanted to check in and let ya all know that things are going fine, I'm in for one of the longest months ever! Mara
That's great news, Mara. This will be a long month for you! What is your actual due date?
I'm so glad to hear that everything is going so well! Enjoy this time! And I hope the month goes quickly for you! Hopefully the little one will cooperate. I had 13 ultrasounds with my dd (due to major complications) and not one time could we tell for sure she was a girl!!!
Great news.. Hopefully he/she will cooperate with the ultra sound.
Woo Hoo! Good for you, keep up the good work!
I'm glad it's going well for you!
I'm glad it's going well. I know I could never wait to see what I was having I hope the time passes quickly and the baby cooperates!
Great news!!!!!
My actual due date is December 14. I'm not thrilled with having a birthday in the same month as Christmas. My oldest ds birthday is in Jan. and that was close enough!
Awwww...that's great news! Congratulations, Mara! I love hearing the heartbeat at the OB!