Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive June 2008:
Has anyone talked too or heard from her. Just watned to know how they are all doing. If she had received any word from the courts yet.
I emailed with her the other day, she is doing really well, busy with the kids. As for the courts, I'll let her give the updates. I'll let her know you were asking about her, I'm sure she will pop in soon!!!
I have been wondering the same thing...
Hi Thank you all for thinking of me! I have no news yet, but we're hopeful. I have been busy with the kids lately, and now that my oldest's volleyball club is over with, I have more time to myself. They went to Penn State University on Memorial Day weekend for an "All-Stars" tournament and her team did ok, but the experience was wonderful for her, and that area is beautiful. Little dd is doing real well and starts pre-school in the fall. That's about all my news. I hope you all are doing well.
Is no news good news??? Good for oldest DD, I am of the mind that the experiences often out way the win.. Pre school already??? Same ole same ole here..