Doing MUCH better
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive May 2008:
Doing MUCH better
I had an appointment today, really I guess it was considered my first OB appointment because my first appointment we didn't go over much once it was decided I was going in the hospital. He was VERY pleased with the fact that I'd only lost 1 lb putting me at 131. I lucked out and even got another ultrasound! My little Beanie Baby was VERY active and was doing somersaults every which way, he/she had a good strong heartbeat. Dr H said everything looked GREAT. He asked if I'd felt the baby yet and I said I thought maybe a couple times but passed it off as gas or something and he said it's possible it was the baby. He also changed my due date from December 13th to the 8th which is my grandma's birthday! COOL... I'll get my pic scanned soon, it's not a great one because he/she wouldn't sit still long enough! lol...
I didn't realize your orignal due date was the 13th- that was mine with youngest dd. She came on the 19th though. I'm glad things are going well for you.
My son was 3 weeks early so I guess we will see what happens. I'm just hoping to go into December. I really would like to have him/her AFTER Thanksgiving.
I'm glad things are going better! So, a preg calculator would put you at 11-3/7 weeks pregnant. I'm pretty sure I felt movement, albeit tiny sensations, when I was about 13 wks pregnant, with both of mine. The sensations always came from the same place, right about where my uterus is located. They couldn't have all been gas pains! I know I told the nurse and she thought I was nuts, but it was MY body. She didn't know what I was feeling.
Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better!
I too am glad you are feeling better... ((((Positive thoughts))))
I'm so glad you are feeling better!!!!