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Dd 13th birthday Long story

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive April 2008: Dd 13th birthday Long story
By Marie on Saturday, April 26, 2008 - 11:51 pm:

my oldest dd turned 13 last Sunday for almost 2 years she has been after dh and I to get her a boxer pup. We kept telling her no we have 3 dogs we don't need no more.A few days before her birthday I asked what do you want and she says a boxer and She kept telling us she wanted a male brindle. Well last Saturday my brother and his wife took her to Tulsa to go shopping. The other 3 kids and I went to look at some trailers for my mom well on the way there is a place were people park who have animals to sale or give away well as I am coming around the corner low and behold there is a little brindle boxer with one ear up and the other folded sideways the only one so I stop and talk to the lady and its a male brindle akc boxer and she was 250. for him so I tell her thank you (more than I could spend) and that it was a little more than I could spend so I am getting back in the car with the kids and the lady asked if she came down would I be interested in him. I said I would have to talk to dh and I call him and we do the its up to you no its up to you so we do this for 5 or 10 minutes and he said well she has been asking for 2 years and she wants a male brindle boxer he goes do you think this a sign or a meant to be for her. So he says that is okay with him so as I am coming back to talk to the lady another family I thought was taking him so I was just going to leave and she says mam do you want him because I would like for you dd to have him so i said yes but whats the price. She said 50.00 and I about cried. I told her to keep the akc papers and that he would be fixed as soon as he comes of age and that he was just going to a dog for my dd. So I bring him home dd came home about 3 hours later (which killed the other 3 they were so excited for her to get home) I gave her her card and her gift and I could see her feeling were hurt because she didn't get a dog. So as she is sitting there reading her cards I go and open my bedroom door and let him come out he walked in front of the fish tank around the chairs and she seen him and started bawling he went right up to her and she picked him up and she cried and cried. I cried and cried. my sil cried and cried. I have never seen dd so emotional. I know in my heart that this was meant to be and the good lord had a hand in it. She takes care of him she walks him, feeds him. he is crate trained after 2 sleepless nights he is a wonderfull guy his name is Jonas (after the Jonas brothers) We took him to the vet because she wanted to get him his shots and wormed and all that but he had a little fever and a respritory infection so he is on a antibiotic for 10 days and then after that he is back to the vet to get shots and wormed and a check to see when he can be fixed. I will post pictures as soon as I figure it out.

By Texannie on Sunday, April 27, 2008 - 09:25 am:

aw..that is so sweet!!!

By Karen~admin on Sunday, April 27, 2008 - 09:53 am:

Congratulations to your DD. The love for, and bonding a child has with a pet is something that is hard to put into words. And your other kids - and you and DH - will love him as well.

HOWEVER- be aware that 2 nights in a crate doesn't necessarily mean he is trained. Accidents are bound to happen. And you will soon find that expenses in the way of pet toys, food, treats and vet bills quickly add up.

I would suggest you do a little research on this specific breed, so you are all a little better informed, and prepared to deal with raising this little guy.

Happy Birthday to your DD! Can't wait to see pics of Jonas.

By Kaye on Sunday, April 27, 2008 - 12:17 pm:

Very exciting for you dd.

Just a side note. As sweet and loyal as boxers are, they are super protective. Really get him acclimated to being around people. A dear friend was recently mauled by a boxer, she was walking by his yard, he was behind a short fence (3ft) and she knew the family and leaned in (not over) to say hi. She didn't see the little boy was right there, the dog lunged and got her in the face. It has been a horrible situation. But the dog was "protecting" the boy. We had one growing up, it protected me. Bowser jumped threw a plate glass window once, when my grandmother picked me up. They really need socialization!

By Hol on Sunday, April 27, 2008 - 02:08 pm:

Karen, I don't think she meant that he does not sleep in the crate after only two nights. I think she probably means that the first two nights in the crate, he cried. They frequently do because they miss their litter mates and their Mama.

Marie, I am SO happy for your DD. Yes, it sure sounds like the Lord meant it to be that the pup and your DD find each other. What a sweet girl she must be to have wanted a dog of her own for so long. I love his name, too. Your DH sounds like a loving Dad also. That sure was an emotional time, with everyone crying. If I had been there, I would have been crying, too. LOL!

Best of luck to you all. I wish Jonas a long and happy life with your family.

By Marie on Monday, April 28, 2008 - 11:30 am:

Kaye the vet had told us he could be very protective and we need to socialize him with family and other animals. So he goes with us to ds baseball practice and he went with us to the lake and he does wonderfull. I just don't want her to take him all the time until after we get all his shots. and yes he only cried for 2nights while sleeping in his crate that is about the only time he is in it at night sleeping and during the day when we have to run to town. Dd has wanted one for so long that she has read and reread all the pros and cons of a boxer all about there exersice and food to medical and what could go wrong as the get older. She is prepared. For her Birthday my family members all gave her money so yesturday she went out and got him a new collar leash, a pet tag and she is saving the other half for shots and him getting fixed but dh and I are paying half and we are going to have him micro chipped just to be safe. He is a goof ball he is so funny I have never seen a dog that when he gets to playing and running his rear gets to wiggling and he can hit himself in the head with his rear. He is heaven sent because it was meant to be.

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