Update on Reading Issues...
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive April 2008:
Update on Reading Issues...
Since my last post, I composed an email to Syd's teacher and made a list of all my questions and concerns. I pretty much said that there is no way Syd will be held back, that she is much too bright. Well, I got an immediate response saying she was sorry she gave me that impression, that she has no intention of holding her back. She said Sydney has greatly improved and works very hard. So, that was one pheew! I also emailed my concerns to the reading director for the school. I went in for a meeting and observed Syd with her reading teacher. It gave me a better understanding of the "no sounding out." Really, she wasn't saying not to sound it out, but they want her to use ALL of her strategies, not just sounding it out. Pretty much there was more information that was not given to me and there was not enough time with the 5 mintues she was in my conference... I've started using the same language as her reading teacher and it's helped SO much! I only wish someone gave me these ideas at the beginning of the year. (The math director sends out letters all the time with ideas and games you can play with your children.) I'm not impressed with the woman at all. She pretty much made me feel bad. Instead of offering ideas, she said "Do you do this? Do you do this?" And really there were things I didn't even think would be helpful. Like books on tape. We have a few, but Sydney never loved them, so we stopped getting them...Overall, I did leave with something, but she is not a warm and fuzzy person, to say the least. Also, the woman had no idea about Hooked on Phonics or any other reading program out on the market. I'm just not impressed with her. So, I'm off to research reading programs online and to email friends to see if they know of anyone who tutors! Wish me luck!
She didn't know about Hooked On Phonics? I am stunned! I HIGHLY recommend Hooked On Phonics it made a huge difference for us.
Thank you! I think I am going to order it. I'm just not sure what to get exactly. Plus, I looked on ebay and there is a ton there! I think it will be great for summer. It sounds like it's exactly what we need! I'm glad to hear you liked it.
Eve, I used Hooked on Phonics with my youngest. He loved it too, and it was a big help.
Eve while you are researching look into Zoo Phonics as well, my dk's school uses it and we've been very pleased!
She didn't know about Hooked on Phonics? She's never seen a "hooked on phonics worked for me!" commercial? Good grief!