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Drink Wine!!!!

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive December 2004: Drink Wine!!!!
By Boxzgrl on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 04:36 pm:

As a wine lover myself, I love the fact that I have not one excuse but PLENTY of excuses why I should drink wine more often!!! :)

Here are a few reasons:
Most people appreciate wine for its delicious and complex taste. There are countless different types of wine, each pairing mouthwateringly well with certain combinations of food. This immense variety means, if you had enough money, you could live a lifetime without drinking the same wine twice. But how does wine affect your health?

As the Washington Post reported, a label approved by the BATF gives some indication that wine can be a healthful drink. According to them on Feb 6, 1999, 'One label, approved yesterday by federal regulators, makes this suggestion: "The proud people who made this wine encourage you to consult your family doctor about the health effects of wine consumption."'

How does one drink wine healthfully? First off, wine, like any other item ingested, should be taken in moderation. Just like eating 8 pounds of chocolate a day is unhealthy, and 15 bags of potato chips for lunch will give bad results, so would drinking 8 bottles of wine a day. Wine, like anything else overdone, can harm your body in large quantities. The key is moderation.

The French Paradox - Helping Fight Heart Disease
So, assuming a glass of wine with dinner every day, what benefits will this wine bring to your body? Research by UCA-Davis has shown that the wine is reducing coronary heart disease incidence. This was known as the "French Paradox" for a while, because doctors couldn't figure out why cream-loving French weren't dying from heart attacks frequently. Wine, it turns out, was the answer.

What is wine doing? The wine is altering the blood lipid levels. It lowers the total cholesterol count, and raises the high density lipoprotein (HDL) levels. In essence, it keeps the blood vessels clean. In fact, research in Dec 2001 showed how polyphenols in red wine - especially Cabernet Sauvignon - keeps the arteries clear.

Wine and Ulcer Prevention
Newsweek reported in May 99 that a study showed how wine helps prevent ulcers. In a study of 1800 people, the scientists tested for the presence of helico bacterpylori, which causes ulcer infections. Compared to non-drinkers, those who had one glass of wine a day had 7% fewer of these bacteria. Those who drink two glasses a day had 18%, and those who drank 3 or more glasses had 1/3 fewer bacteria.

Wine and Cancer
Studies show that wine helps fight cancer. Wine contains resveratrol which helps supress cancer. The red grapes that go into red wine also have bioflavonoids, which are antioxidants and help prevent cancer to begin with. Third, as a stress fighter, wine is also shown to help cancer patients by relaxing them and helping them fight their disease.

Wine and Strokes
Studies show that wine helps prevent strokes! Scientists figure that the alcohol breaks up blood clots and increases HDL ("good") cholesterol in the bloodstream. This keeps the arteries clean. Note that this helps with the common ischemic stroke, but not with the rare hemorrhagic stroke, which is sudden bleeding in the brain.

Wine as a Soother
Wine is a calming influence, something which may seem incidental but should not be forgotten. The fact that a dinner is accompanied by a drink which helps the body relax and unwind can help the mental transition between work and relaxation. Also, people fighting other illnesses can combat them better when calm and focused.

Wine and General Health
Researchers have found that those who drink 1-3 glasses a day regularly are healthier than those who drink none, and also than those who drink more. Even Hangovers aren't really from the alcohol -they're from the impurities that are in the beverage.

Any alcohol, like any other food item, can be used properly, or can be used to excess. Some people are sensitive to the natural sulfites found in wine - sulfites are higher in whites than in reds. Others get migrane headaches from too many tannins, which are found mostly in red wines. While avoiding misuse, we should also rejoice in the many fine benefits that can be had by properly using wine as it was meant to be used - in moderation.

Caveat: The Wine Guide is not a doctor. For detailed answers about how wine will affect you personally given your medical condition and lifestyle, contact your family physician

Copied and pasted from here:

So, get out there and stock your wine racks! :)

By Colette on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 04:58 pm:

sounds good to me!

By My2cuties on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 07:50 pm:

I knew wine was good for you, but didn't know in what ways, is that 1-3 8oz. glasses or 1-3 wine glasses? I assume it is 1-3 wine glasses. Thanks for posting, interesting.

By Kaye on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 08:21 pm:

Still 3 wine glass of wine a day and I am toast..LOL. I get amorous when I have had too much though. So I guess the other side effect they didn't list is happy hubbys!

By Boxzgrl on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 08:24 pm:

LOL Kaye... I can only handle one. 2 glasses and i'm tipsy and have a very happy hubby. Wonder if a man came up with these statistics??? :)

By Amy~moderator on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 11:03 pm:

What kind of wine do you all drink on a regular basis? Just curious...

By Imamommyx4 on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 11:12 pm:

Cheap, sweet stuff like Riunite peach
Not much of a wine expert, huh?

By Boxzgrl on Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - 12:47 am:

I usually drink Muscat Canelli that we buy from one of the vineyards in the county.

I definitely couldnt drink wine everyday, especially up to 3 glasses. A bit much to me it seems but its nice to know I can drink sparingly and its good for me after all! :)

By Fionadeassis on Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - 10:53 am:

I am a dry red wine kind of girl.....

There is a really good Australian wine that is cheapish.......Wolf Blass I think is the name...the guy is actually German but moved to Australia.......

Other than that me and my Dh like anything from Chile...Spain.....

My Aunt who is super well off always has good wine...when I ask what it is(thinking it's like $100 a bottle) it's always super cheap($15 CND)..

Also-my Uncle was saying that they are making really good wine in boxes now and are finding that they are just as good or better than bottled wines....and you can have just a glass and leave it for days and it won't go 'yucky'.....


By Karen~moderator on Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - 11:20 am:

I like Chardonnay - not too sweet but not too dry.... I'm not a fan of red wines though. My sister and I had some Deloach California Chardonnay at one of the Brennan's restaurants in the French Quarter that was absolutely the best I've ever had.

However, I am not a big drinker these days and one glass is more than enough for me.

By Feona on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 08:01 am:

They only think you can drink one glass a day for women and 2 for men.

By Feona on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 08:02 am:

Oh I think that is one four ounce glass of wine a day.

By Kaye on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 11:18 am:

I am a red wine drinker. I prefer merlots to zinfinadles. I don't mind a shiraz. As far as brands, I really like Yellowtail for inexpensive stuff and I also like Kendall Jackson.

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