Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive February 2008:
My friend just started taking Chantix to help stop smoking, she's been on it since Monday and is having a hard time staying awake. Has anyone ever taken this, does the sleepiness go away ever? Any BTDT would be great! THANKS!
A woman I work with, as well as my neighbor, have both taken this. They both said the tiredness never seems to go away, as well as the nausea, constiptation, and for one of them, severe depression! I asked both of them if it was worth all that, and they both gave it a very hearty "YES!"
Wow, my DH took this for over 5 months and though it works very well to help stop smoking, there are some nasty side effects. He had constant diahrrea, moodiness, and insomnia when he was on it. One of his coworkers had the same side effects, and stopped taking it because of it. He stopped taking it in November and has been smoke free for 8 months!!!!!
There have been reports of really bad mood swings with Chantix, and apparently an increased risk of suicide. Your friend should be careful and watch her moods, and stay in touch with her doctor. Chantix sounds very much like a stop-smoking drug for which a clinical trial was run at the U of Penna several years ago. Scott participated in it for a while. Scott has strong problems with depression anyhow. While he was on the drug, he didn't want to smoke but his depression ran wild. So please, urge your friend to keep in close touch with how she's feeling and call her doctor at the first sign of negative side-effects.
Ginny, that's true. There were reports of people becoming suicidal or homicidal on the drug. I hated it when DH was on it, he was a grumpy old man.