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Cats, toddler and christmas tree eek!

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive December 2004: Cats, toddler and christmas tree eek!
By Kellyj on Friday, November 19, 2004 - 02:28 pm:

Maybe it's a little early to be thinking about this but DH and I were discussing it last night. I am not sure what to expect this season when it comes to our tree. We have a 12 pound cat (who climbed the tree last year when she was considerably smaller). A kitten who will no doubt be leaping off the top of the tree to pounce on the cat who is chewing on the limbs below. Throw my 20 month DD into the mix and can you see why I'm worried? :) Out of the three I am least concerned about DD's behavior around the tree.

DH wants to skip the tree this year but I won't let him so I need some ideas as to how to prevent tree tipping disasters. With the way that our house is laid out, the only way to keep the cats away from it is to lock them in a bedroom. (I don't think that they'd appreciate that too much) Does anyone who has BTDT care to share some advice?

By Amecmom on Friday, November 19, 2004 - 04:22 pm:

Skip the tree! You can get a gate - an octagonal play yard to keep your daughter out, but that won't stop the cats...
If you can't keep the cats out of the room where the tree is, the do a small tree on a table.

I don't know where you live, but could you decorate a tree in your yard? Just a thought.

If you do decided on the big indoor tree, use unbreakable ornaments and don't use lights.
Good luck

By Andi on Friday, November 19, 2004 - 05:03 pm:

I say get the tree and spray the cats with a water bottle every time they even get close to the tree. You can also throw a soda can filled with a couple pennies at them when they gp by the tree...that works with dogs.

We have two cats and I have never had that problem...thankfully!

By Bea on Friday, November 19, 2004 - 05:55 pm:

I think you need to train the cats or you'll never be able to have a tree. The squirt gun does work. My brother found an old play pen, decorated the sides and put his tree up inside when his kids were toddlers. I thought it was a great idea.

By Tink on Friday, November 19, 2004 - 06:07 pm:

We've used the squirt gun method before (and it works!) but I'd start using it now, when they are around something you don't want them around. Otherwise, it will take forever to train them and they won't learn in time for you to be able to leave them alone in the house without worrying. Uuum...I wouldn't suggest the squirt gun method on your 20 month old, though! :)

By Kay on Friday, November 19, 2004 - 08:51 pm:

No one will ever let me forget back in 1985, when my 19 month old DS crawled up onto a stool and made the Christmas tree fall over onto me, who was on the floor playing with his 5 month old sister - I like to remind DD that I saved her life that day. LOL

By Unschoolmom on Saturday, November 20, 2004 - 09:22 am:

No way I'd skip the tree! Just be careful with decorations, no glass ones. I like the squirt-yhe-cat suggestions.

What I did with the kids when they were younger was simply sit with them as they explored the tree. They handled the ornaments, the branches, etc and got to explore it while I was right there. It seemed to help get the need to touch it all out of their system. I actually did the same thing when my son started exploring outlets, just let him plug and unplug things with me to supervise. He got over that in a few days.

By Kellyj on Saturday, November 20, 2004 - 11:31 am:

Bea is right. If we don't train the cats we'll never have a tree. The problem is that the kitten just sits and stares at me when I spray her with water. Water will work on the big cat. We had a water bottle for her when she was a kitten. She hated it so much that when we left it out one day it turned up missing. Even when we moved out we couldn't find it!

By Bea on Saturday, November 20, 2004 - 11:35 am:

Find something she really hates then. (The can of pebbles)???? I understand. We had a cat, who lived next door to us in Washington State, who loved to play in the sprinklers. A squirt gun wouldn't have deterred that cat. LOL

By Colette on Saturday, November 20, 2004 - 11:41 am:

I googled "untippable christmas tree stands" and I found these suggestions -

Cat + Christmas tree can = a very unmerry holiday. All those dangly ornaments may prove too much temptation for your kitty. So before the Christmas company arrives, the Wisconsin Humane Society suggests cat owners take a few final precautions:

Make sure the tree is untippable, with a heavy stand and, if possible, a ceiling anchor.

Keep the bottom of the tree free of ornaments.

Remove all potential launching pads such as coffee tables and couches from the vicinity of the tree.

Hang citrus-scented air fresheners from the lower branches. Most cats don't do citrus.

Wrap the trunk of the tree with smooth cardboard or plastic so kitty can't get a grip.

Keep the cat's scratching post accessible.

By Dawnk777 on Saturday, November 20, 2004 - 04:39 pm:

I'm not much help. We have never had a cat and my kids never bothered the tree! I know cats make it a little extra challenging!

By Kittycat_26 on Monday, November 29, 2004 - 02:30 pm:

Sorry I'm late on this one but I wanted to give a quick suggestion though I'm sure you'll all laugh.

My mom and I took fishing line and actually attached the tree to the walls after my cat knocked it over more than once one year. It worked! We sure did get some laughs that year.

By Kellyj on Monday, November 29, 2004 - 02:35 pm:

Well the tree went up last night. I have a citrus plug in that is soooo strong that the whole house smelled last night. I hope that it calms down alittle. I have to go to target and get a spray bottle although the cats have been good so far. They have only been under the tree. If it is still standing when I get home from work I'd say that we could be alright!

DD helped hang the decorations on the tree and has been very good about keeping distance.

Thank you for all of your suggestions. Hopefully they can all behave :) I'll keep you all posted as to how it goes.

By Brandy on Monday, November 29, 2004 - 02:50 pm:

Yes i'm scared of this also i have 3 kittens this year ahhh lol = )

By Kellyj on Friday, December 3, 2004 - 05:28 pm:

I just wanted to let you all know that my cats are quite devious. They stay away from the tree when we're home and it appeared that they stayed away from the tree for the past week while we are at work...or so I thought.

Today I noticed that the ornaments were looking a little sparse. I did a search and found 9 ornaments hidden around the living room. Behind the couches, under the coffee table and under another chair!! Both cats have been all curled up sleeping when I get home from I thought they were behaving all day long!

By My2cuties on Friday, December 3, 2004 - 05:51 pm:

I am in the same boat, except I only have the kids to worry about and that is enough for me, My 18 month old will NOT leave the tree alone, I had to throw out ALL of my glass balls because she started trying to eat them and now I have to watch to make sure she doesn't bite the strands of lights..Oh Lord I am thinking about totally taking the tree down. I don't want to disipline her because my moms says then she won't like CHristmas because I get on to her about the tree and it is supposed to be a "happy time" for the kids, what should I do...sorry to hop on your post but any suggestions, Kelly (or anyone)?

By Tink on Friday, December 3, 2004 - 06:55 pm:

I absolutely think that you can be disciplining her about this. If she doesn't enjoy the response she gets when she plays with the lights, it isn't going to ruin the entire holiday experience for her. What if she starts ripping the paper off the presents, or throwing your figurines, or eating all the cookies that you've baked? You don't discipline as far as spanking or time-out with an 18 month old but you can certainly use a stern "No!" and then redirect her to something that she can play with or a snack that she can chew on. Sorry, but I tend to be one of those tough moms that didn't put all the knick-knacks up when the kids became mobile and I don't think that our whole family's enjoyment should be taken away if one child needs to learn some self-control. JMHO, of course.

By Kellyj on Friday, December 3, 2004 - 08:37 pm:

My dd is 20 months old and she is doing great about the tree. When we put the tree up she helped by handing the ornaments to us so we could help her hang them. Whenever she would go to touch the tree we told her that we only put things on the tree and not to take them off. I haven't had to say anything to her because she's been great about it.

I don't think that disciplining a child about the tree will make christmas unhappy for her. I think that I would rather discipline than take the tree down.

I agree that redirection works best. Someone had previously suggested putting a gate around it. It won't really teach her self control, but it will give you sanity and give her a year to mature. By next year there should be no reason why you would need a gate. Good luck :)

By Hdelfuego on Tuesday, December 7, 2004 - 08:18 am:

My 15 months old kept taking the ornaments off. We moved all the ornaments to the top of the tree bc she has a pretty tall reach, but that still didn't work because she kept almost falling on the tree trying to reach the ornaments, so we got our chest from our bedroom, the coffee table, and a playmat, and blocked the Christmas tree off from her. It does take up a big portion of our living room, but it works. I figured this will hopefully be the only year to have this problem.

By Vicki on Tuesday, December 7, 2004 - 08:26 am:

When dd was that age, we put ornaments that were safe for her to handle on the low branches and just let her have at it. She only once in a great while would fuss with it. I think it is like anything else...let them do it and it looses it's appeal. LOL

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