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Read your contract when you buy a house!!

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive November 2004: Read your contract when you buy a house!!
By Mrsheidi on Wednesday, November 10, 2004 - 01:34 pm:

We recently moved to Maryland and had to get a house in a hurry (3 days). So, we found one and moved in. We are renting for 3 weeks until the closing. We knew, as well as the sellers, that they had some stuff in the storage area. (Big old nasty dirty futon/frame, humidifier, etc.) They said they would come back and pick it all up. (They first asked us to throw it away for them...yeah right...I can barely budge the futon it was so heavy and the trash dept doesn't just "pick up" that kind of trash. So, I asked them to come pick it up at a later date.) Well, 2 weeks ago they promised to come on a Monday and then last week they promised to come on either Monday or Tuesday. They didn't. (Nor did they call to say they couldn't make it.) So, I called their real estate agent (for the 8th time in 2 weeks) and told her that I can't close on the house this Friday if it states in the contract that ALL trash/debris needs to be removed, etc and it hasn't been done yet. She tried to convince me that it's not in the contract. I had to repeat what the contract said. Then, she said "would it be too hard to just take out the trash?" uuummmm...yeah! it takes up half a room! Plus, I explained to her that I cleaned my house in Alabama for 3 days getting it ready to be vacant. I wasn't about to do the same when I have a 4 month old and a house full of boxes to unpack and organize. She then called the guys to tell them what I said and they came to the door in a matter of 45 minutes. (Apparently they're not THAT busy?) They were MAD because I threatened them with not closing. Why should a person close on a house when it's not ready to be closed on? So...just to let you guys know...
1. Don't leave trash behind when you sell a house (even old furniture or kiddie pools, unless you know for sure that the new owners want them).
2. Read the contract
Thanks for letting me vent! :-)

By My2cuties on Wednesday, November 10, 2004 - 01:42 pm:

Sorry that happened, I don't have a house yet, just an apartment, but I don't think I would do that to anyone anyway, they sound like they were just lazy. Glad it was taken care of though..:)

By Karen~moderator on Wednesday, November 10, 2004 - 06:16 pm:

Good for you!

By Ginny~moderator on Wednesday, November 10, 2004 - 09:38 pm:

When I bought my house and did the inspection the day before closing, there was still some stuff that hadn't been gotten out to the trash, mostly stuff in the garage and behind the garage. I insisted on $500 being put in escrow to cover trash removal and didn't release it until all the stuff was taken care of. In your case it would have been more than that, because it sounds like you would have needed a dumpster.

Most sales contracts call for all trash and debris removed, empty rooms, and "broom clean", i.e., swept with nothing on the floors except dust.

By Dawnk777 on Thursday, November 11, 2004 - 07:50 am:

I ended up leaving some stuff behind in a house, a long time ago. The movers were at my house packing. I had to go to to the doctor, since I wanted one last pap smear from a familiar face, before I left. When I came back to my house, there was still some stuff there. The movers didn't take everything. Since I still had 2 kids to transport, along with my plants, I didn't have room for it all in my car. I didn't want to leave it, but I didn't have any choice.

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