Question about voting
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive October 2004:
Question about voting
I've searched and searched and can't find my voters registration card. Can you do early voting without it? I sure hope so becasue I'm clueless as to where I put it?
Good question..hope you find an answer I am in the same boat.
I only have to show my license or other photo ID.
I think you just have to take in a picture ID.
I don't have to show anything. They just ask my name and cross me off a list they have. Maybe because it's such a small town.
I live in a small town too and we have to show a picture ID because of the absentee voting problems we have had. If you are registered you should be on the list and all you have to show is an ID.
I'm bummed - the kids registered online and mailed in the stuff they were supposed to - *I* brought it to the Post Office myself - and they haven't received their cards yet.
I don't even know where my voter's registration card is. I have never had to show it. They only ask for a driver's license here.
I would also take something like an electric bill that shows where you live, and that you are voting in the correct precinct. I also live in a bitty town, and have never had to show anything, but I hear they are more strict in other places, due to fraud. Better to have more than you need than not have it, right?
I live in a huge city and all I need is a picture ID. I've never carried my voters registration card.
All you need is a photo ID with your correct home address on it.
A voter's registration card? I don't think I have ever had one! LOL!
All you need is your driver's license I voted today!
I am shocked that no one here is required to show voters card. You MUST have both a picture ID and voters id. I'm 42 and have had to use the voter id since my first vote at age 18.
I think that we don't because it's such a small town and the ladies crossing the names off, know just about everyone. I imagine they would ask for ID if they didn't know you by your face.
I voted today, only needed my drivers' license... Only stood in line for right at an hour, Brendan did okay. Thankfully had my stroller in the trunk and he charmed everyone with his Captain Feathersword costume on.
Can I just LOL that Dana from FLorida has the strictest voting policies?? Here your registration is linked to your driver's license, they just swiped my card (just like a credit card) and pulled up my info.
How neat, Kaye. I've never heard of that. There have been reports left and right here in FL about problems that have already occured. Mostly scams but one real problem w/ the absent votes. Somehow some of them (not sure what county) they were mailed to the voter, the voter replied and mailed it back...only to have it come back to their home again! Not so bad if they are home, but what about those that are really "ABSENT!" They have no way of knowing if their votes were sent back to their own home. Post Office says it is not their fault? Go figure on that.
I don't even have to show my driver's license. We just walk in, tell them our name, they cross it off the list and they hand us a ballot.
Like Dawn, we just walk in. But, there is a form to sign and it carries a copy of the signature from when I first registered after I moved, and the signature is compared. I have no idea what happens if the signature doesn't match but I am sure there is a process. If you are not on the rolls for that polling place, in the past you had to go to a Judge at the county seat (about a half hour to 45 minute drive for me) to get permission to vote and present evidence of some sort. I can't imagine not having some form of identification, not even signature comparison. The notion of just asking for a ballot, giving your name and being crossed off a list, as Collette describes. But then, I've always lived in large communities. I suspect that the charges of fraud, voters unlawfully being prevented or deterred from voting, and the whole absentee ballot mess, are going to be flying around like crazy. This election may also (heaven help us) wind up in the Supreme Court.
When one registers to vote, you need a driver's license and a piece of mail, like a utility bill to prove you live at that address, but after that, you can just walk in and vote.
I thought it was rather odd myself when I moved here. Before then, I voted in a city and I don't remember ever having a registration card but I did have to show my drivers license.
Collette's right... everyone knows you. I moved here 13 years ago (married a local boy) and tried to show my voter registration at my first election, and they just about laughed me out of the Legion, since they all knew "Scott's new wife." I think they probably ask for ID for the people they don't know, but these people really and truly DO know everyone! (Makes me nuts some days)