Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive October 2004:
I'm finally wireless! I'm posting from my bedroom, in my pjs, reclining in bed with a cup of coffee! This is really great! A few months ago, I had some serious computer issues, and my husband couldn't take having me up till all hours trying to fix the darned thing. He surprised me with a beautiful notebook with built in wireless. Well, I finally configured the router yesterday and am now up and running anywhere in the house (or in the yard on a nice day)! Oh well - this moment of sanity is ending now, as my son is waking and my daughter is due to wake soon! This is so cool, I just had to share. Ame
Wow! I want that! LOL.
I love wireless. We have the same thing for the laptop and it's fantastic, isn't it? Everyone thought I was insane when I posted about wireless a couple years ago. It's all about the freedom, isn't it? When my friend was visiting a couple weeks ago, we were going to see a movie. I asked my DH to see what was playing and he looked everything up, and then brought it right into the LR and set the laptop on the coffee table! Very handy! LOL!
Very cool! I would love to have that!
I enjoy it as well. But I dont have *built in* wireless. Just the wireless card. That sounds really kewl!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe its time to give my laptop to my ds (who has been begging for one for a yr now. lol) and I'll get a newer one with built in wireless! Does your battery last very long? I pretty much have to keep my computer plugged in all the time. Guess I need a new battery or something?! Congrats and enjoy! Your dh sounds wonderful.
Wireless is a great tool and makes it very easy to never go offline...lol However, make sure you have set up security on your wireless hub! Otherwise your neighbors or anyone else within range of your home (a mile or so) could access everything on your computer(s) or use your Internet connection for nefarious purposes at your expense. Assuming you have a linksys type router these pages are a good beginning: http://www.linksys.com/edu/page10.asp http://techrepublic.com.com/5100-6329-1058551.html
We have three desktop computers hard-wired together into a network. I guess wireless really isn't an issue, since we don't have a laptop. My sisters and parents all have laptops, though, and do have wireless networks and love them!