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My poor kitty! :(

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive October 2004: My poor kitty! :(
By Janet on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 12:35 pm:

Back in May, our kitty, Pretzel, had something like an epileptic seizure, and she became really lethargic, went off her food, just didn't act "right" for a couple of weeks, but she returned to normal, and we forgot about it. Well, it happened again, and we are just so sad! She sits around, won't eat, her coat is looking neglected, and she just is weird. The girls and I keep reminding each other that she came out of it before, and she will again, but it's depressing. She is normally such an active little thing! The vet told us we might consider an anti-seizure med, but I'm thinking "a daily pill for the rest of her life? Can you afford it?" She's only 3! Right now, I'm keeping water in her and trying to tempt her with canned cat food. She purrs and stretches when we pet her, so she can't be at death's door, can she? :(

By Emily7 on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 12:46 pm:

I remeber the last time it happened.
My in-laws had a dog that had epilepsy, he took the pill just fine.
I hope she gets to doing better soon.

By Karen~moderator on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 12:47 pm:

Have you taken her to the vest this time? Poor kitty! I'd be so worried about her!

By Janet on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 01:22 pm:

I took her on Sat, which was about 2 days (we think) after her latest episode. We didn't see her have it this time, but the symptoms are all the same.

Emily, do you know if the pills are expensive, and if they have to be daily? We go out of town sometimes, and I'd hate to have my friends be responsible for giving a cat a pill!

Right now, I'm most worried about her not having pooped for two days. I'm giving her a hairball remedy the vet gave us (a sort of laxitive, too) and giving her water, which she drinks, but nothing's coming out. I think I'll call the vet again at lunch, after I go home and see how she is.

By Vicki on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 02:48 pm:

Oh Janet, I too remember about your poor kitty last time. I know we are going through a rough time right now with our dog, and it is so hard!! I have never had a medication for either of my dogs that has been very much, so I would at least check into the seizure medication. I bet it is something that would have to be taken daily though. Maybe once kitty got used to taking it, it wouldn't be a big deal by the time you needed a friend to do it while your away. I am hoping the best for your kitty!! Let us know how she is doing.

By Boxzgrl on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 02:59 pm:

Janet, don't quote me on this but for most of what i've seen they give animals phenobarbital for seizures. There are other ones but this one is used most. If they use this the drug itself it quite inexpensive (i'd guess about $15-20 a month) but at the beginning of any treatment they have to do several blood tests to make sure the dosage they prescribed is effective. As a general rule of thumb they do a blood test before the rx, one after and if the doage is working correctly then usually only do it once yearly thereafter. Remember, thats ageneral rule of thumb and each pet is different so this may not be the same routine Pretzel will go through.

(((HUGS))) My Grandma just had to put down her epilectic cat who was only 2 1/2 because no dosage of medicine was controlling his seizures. I hope you come to a decision that you believe is right for you and for Pretzel.

By Cat on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 03:14 pm:

:( Hope your kitty's better soon.

By Janet on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 03:41 pm:

Yes, phenobarbitol was the name of the drug the vet mentioned...though I'm sure the tests will be more expensive! :( I went home at noon, couldn't find her, searched the house top to bottom at least five times, and came back to work very upset. My dh went home and called five min. later, finding her in the ONE PLACE behind the door I hadn't looked! And I'd been sitting in the chair next to the door, almost in tears because she was lost! LOL Crazy cat was probably laughing at me the whole time. *sigh* At least I know where she is.

By Boxzgrl on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 06:52 pm:

How old is Pretzel? There are different blood workups the vets recommend. Has she had one recently? Usually the first one is a bit more expensive because they wants to check all vital organs, blood cells, make sure theres no infection etc... which is especially good to do if shes over 6 years old. After that if you want to save a few $$$ you can opt to just do a basic workup to see how the medication is working on her. I'm not sure prices where you live but at the vet I worked at here in Ca. it was about $200.00 for the full (top of the line) blood testing and the basic could run you starting around $60.00. It all depends. And some vets have a senior pet discount month where they discount bloodwork, sometimes up to 50% off.

Once again, good luck and I hope you and Pretzel the very best. :) (((HUGS)))

By Janet on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 09:37 am:

Pretzel's only 3... we had a very scary episode yesterday when I got home from work.. she began yowling (in pain) and panting and drooling, then she popped out three rock-hard poops. She crawled under our computer hutch and hasn't moved since then. I called the vet, and he wants to see her this morning (luckily, my supervisor is a very understanding cat lover as well). I think her primary problem right now is she's all plugged up, and I'm hoping the vet can "flush her out." This is so wearing! My dd's are in tears (me too, but I'm trying to stay positive). At least Pretzel was licking cat food off my finger this morning and purring..that's GOT to be a positive, right? :(

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