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Venting sisters long

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive October 2004: Venting sisters long
By Momoffour on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 05:04 pm:

we are celebrating my Dads 60th birtday Saturday. My brother and I decided to take on making arrangements for it so my Mom wouldn't have to do it all. So my brother told my oldest sister that he thought that all 4 of us kids could do the arrangements for his b-day. Well she said how much is it going to cost me. My brother got agrivated at her. Well she called me and asked what she needed to do. I told her that I made the arrangements for the cake and some decorations. I asked her if she could stop by our Aunts and pick up some phone numbers of classmates that my Dad graduated with. (have in mind my Aunt lives about a mile from her). We waited and waited she never did it. I got the numbers and called them. Well then she askes again what can I do. She then agreed that she would bring the potatos to make fried potatos(were haveing my Dads favorite dinner beans,fried potatos and corn bread). So we told her that we got the community center and Saturday Morning we can all go down and decorate and get the food done. Well she tells my Mom that she can't do that because she has other things to do. I am so mad I can scream. My other oldest sister has helped out alot and my sil. Everytime we do something she always agree's to do something and then backs out at the last minute with the excuse they can't afford it. but they make so much more money that Dh and I do. they bring home over 3000.00 a month. She was bragging the other day and told my Mom how much the make. but the always have to borrow money from my parents. I am so aggrivated at her. my problem is the 3 of us has busted our rears to pull this off and she is going to take credit for it when my Dads gets there. I don't know what to do but if she don't show up there will be words after the party is over. My Dad has worked his whole life to support us and gave us what we wanted growing up and is still there if we need help and she cant take a week out of her life to honor her Dad it just gets me.. but she has been like this since for ever.

By Cakekisses324 on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 06:31 pm:

Im sorry, I know how the sibling thing can be sometimes. (((hugs))

By Dawnk777 on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 11:10 pm:

Yes, siblings can be very aggravating!

By Tink on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 11:15 pm:

It sounds like you have gone to a lot of trouble for your dad, who sounds like a lovely man. I hope that you can enjoy the party, in spite of your sister.

By Kernkate on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 08:25 am:

I hope you will enjoy the party. When I hear stories like this I am happy I am an only child:)

By Karen~moderator on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 12:39 pm:

If I were you, I'd just enjoy the party and know that YOU and your other siblings have been generous and loving in planning it for your dad. Take some pleasure in knowing that. If your other sister shows up, I wouldn't say anything at the party to ruin it for your Dad. I'd wait until later and you and the other siblings can tell her your feelings about it.

I understand how frustrated you are, but this IS for your Dad, so don't let her spoil that for you. Deal with her AFTER the party.

I hope everything goes well and you all enjoy it!

By Emily7 on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 01:22 pm:

Vent away you have reason to be upset. I would just remember not to count on her anymore.
You are going to have a great party & at least the ones that worked hard will know that they made it a success.

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