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Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive October 2004: ICKY GROSS SICKENING
By Katherine on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 06:04 pm:

I don't know why I am even sharing this other than the fact that I am grossed out and ticked off.

When we went on vacation we boarded our dog. We went ahead and had all of his shots because he was due(except rabies). He has a bit of a bowel problem now. Scotty stayed home from school today with a migraine and he likes to let Blue out of his crate when he's home. Scotty called me at work and told me that Blue pooped on the carpet.

I had him pick up what he could. I know, cruel to do that to a kid with a migraine, huh? I came home for lunch to feed Scotty and check on him. I did a mini carpet shampoo job and got it all up. No mess was left. Then a tornado warning came and I had my mother come get Scotty. He forgot to crate the dog and I got home to find doggie diarrhea all over the place! Even in my bedroom.

I have been spending the last hour scrubbing and shampooing. Isn't that sick?

Anyway, I needed to vent my frustrations. I feel bad for my dog, but I also feel bad for me, LOL.

By Annie2 on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 06:27 pm:

That happened to us ALL over our kitchen when our shepard was a puppy. Even on the countertops since his paws could reach!!! YUCK!!!

He was scared during a thunderstorm when we weren't home and he freaked out. I will never forget that clean up. Absolutely GROSS. I feel your pain! :)

By Missmudd on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 06:28 pm:

The dog may have had the runs because it knew the storm was coming and it literally scared the s**t out of him. Our golden retriever is extremly afraid of fireworks, a number of years ago we left him home to go to the fireworks show, when we got back the house looked like 20 dogs had done their business all over. We now take him with us because even if he is right where the fireworks are he is much happier than if we left him alone at home, I think he just worries about where the kids are with all the loud noises going on and it just makes him crazy. Does your dog seem to know when a storm is coming? Maybe he was worried about your son because they know when their people are sick and then the storm came and he was alone? Just an idea

By Paulas on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 06:32 pm:

I totally understand!

I came home from work to find 3 places where the cat had done her business. I'm about to kill her! She's almost 11 and knows how to use the litter box so that's not a problem.

One spot where she went she has gone several times lately. What can I do to make her understand it's not her litter box?

By Imamommyx4 on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 09:18 pm:

I think the cat doing her business outside the litter box is an old cat thing. Our cat started the same thing a couple of years ago and she's almost 15. When it really got bad was when she decided to use my bed for her litter box. And once they leave their scent somewhere, they return to the same place to do their stuff. We would pick her up and take her to the spot,fuss at her and then put her outside or in the bathroom (if the weather was bad) for a little while. Next you have to get the scent out of the spot and just normal cleaning doesn't get the cat scent out. I laundered all of my bed sheets and comforter with just a little Clorox in the water to get that. But this older country lady told me to put alcohol on the floor spots. So we cleaned real well, then I put rubbing alcohol on a rag and rubbed the spots. She didn't go back to those spots. And it took a little while but she finally stopped altogether.
There is also some stuff that I can't remember the name of that you can get at Wal-Mart that will remove the scent. It is in a white bottle. We used that some, too.

By Dawnk777 on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 09:30 pm:

Nature's Miracle is supposed to get rid of pet odors. Comes in a white bottle with red text on it.

By Katherine on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 10:18 pm:

My cat did that in our old house. There was a spot at the end of our hall that I think had an old cat smell (maybe?). After my cat did her business there a couple of times. I used that spray that repels animals from your furniture, etc. Not only did it keep her away, but, it had a pleasant scent like murphy's oil soap.

She would also use my bathroom rug if I didn't clean her litter box to her liking. I washed and sprayed the rug down with the same stuff (it is called doggie no) and she quit doing that too.

You should try it! I worked like a charm for me.

By Yjja123 on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 10:55 pm:

I absolutely feel your pain. I went through the same thing yesterday! We are having a roof put on and the sound scared our older dog. She ran through the house leaving a poopy trail! I spent the day scrubbing the carpet and consoling a very frightened dog. Thank goodness we have a steam cleaner (and plenty cleaner) as I think I would have torn my hair out without it. Very yucky indeed! Sorry you too had the experience!

By Mrsheidi on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 11:07 pm:

Augh! We had a cat that did the same thing...HUGE messes in our apartment. Oxi-clean worked though!

By Cocoabutter on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 11:25 pm:

I have had it all (of the above).

The vet said that I wasn't keeping my cats box clean enough. I bought scoopable litter and clean it about every other day. She keeps to the box pretty weel now.

The dog pooped twice. When we go away, she stays on the front porch which is fully enclosed. Once it got a lot warmer outside than we thought it would, and she responded to the heat. She vomited AND pooped. One other time we were gone a lot longer than we expected, (9 hours) and she couldn't help it.

Now we ask our neighbor to help out. They really like our dog, and they come over to sit with her on our porch once in a while when we aren't there!

By Karen~moderator on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 07:42 am:

We went through that last month when my dog had a diarrhea accident in 2 rooms on the carpet. Natures Miracle has a new name now, I can't remember it (sorry!), but there are no poop stains or odors left in the carpet.

By Conni on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 08:24 am:

ewwwww... Hope your pup's tummy is feeling better today.

Great picture in your profile btw!!

By Katherine on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 08:56 pm:

Thanks Connie! The pic is of dh's family. His mom, stepdad and sisters & their families.

We are the ones on the right, my dh is the bald one and I am right beside him with my dk's.

Blue's tummy is better today, :)

By Pamt on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 09:21 pm:

Pets...nothing like them. I remember vividly as a kid that our German shepherd was sick and had diarrhea all over the den...where we had SHAG carpet! I can remember my mom cleaning and cleaning and cleaning. And there's also nothing like having a long haired cat get diarrhea and not have the energy to clean himself, but jump up and sit on every flat surface in the house with a hairy diarrhea cat butt. Yuk!! Luckily those times are few and far between. The things we do for our fur babies....

Glad Blue is better today!:)

By Missmudd on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 10:41 pm:

oh man you're killing me pamt lol


By Feona on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 05:57 am:

My heart goes out to you. I remember cleaning up cat vomit alot. I still miss having a cat. DS is too allergic. I had to let the kitten go we adopted. He was still a kitten so someone grabbed him up.

By Kim on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 07:42 am:

:o) I will be shampooing my carpet this weekend. Thinking of you too!

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