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Preterm question again

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive October 2004: Preterm question again
By Emdee on Thursday, October 7, 2004 - 10:09 pm:

This is once again for anyone who has BTDT with preterm labor. I posted a few weeks back about having contractions early in my pregnancy (then 18 weeks). Well, I have made it to 21 weeks and counting, but they (contractions) are just getting worse. I went to dr yesterday, monitored for 15 minutes and had 3-4 during that time, although she said they weren't strong enough to dilate yet. They are non-stop! I used to lay down and get them to decrease and then have a few good days, but now laying down doesn't help. I go back next week, but I guess I am getting frightened about making it to the 24 week mark. Anyone do this and still have a normal pregnancy? I am worried that since they are increasing in frequency (definitely more than 6/hour--sometimes every 3-5 minutes) and not stopping as easily as before that I will start to dilate! Plus my low bach is aching more and more pelvic ache that doesn't go away--everything that is supposed to be a red flag (although as of yesterday I know I haven't dilated any!) Thanks

By Melana on Thursday, October 7, 2004 - 10:28 pm:

Emdee, I am 30 weeks and two days. I have been having braxton hicks since somewhere in my fith month, but nothing like you are describing. Although the back and pelvic area are in constant pain, as in there are mornings when I can't even walk around the house without holding on to something. I've been told by women that with each pregnancy the back and pelvic pain gets worse, so I'm wondering if this is your first baby? Try doing something that's going to take your mind off of it, worrying about it all the time will only make it worse. If you feel it's getting worse before your next Dr. appointment then go in again, that's what they're there for. HTH

By Emily7 on Thursday, October 7, 2004 - 11:54 pm:

Melana is right stressing about the contractions can make it worse.
I was told that if you have more than 5 an hour to call the doctor.
Drink lots of water, sometimes if you are dehydrated you can have them. Infections can also cause contractions. Lay down on your side, not your back.
It has been so long since I have had preterm, but I had it with both my kids & they are here & healthy.
If you do not feel that your doctor is doing enough for you, you can always change doctors.
Don't be afraid to call them though, they understand that pregnant Moms get worried.

By Emdee on Friday, October 8, 2004 - 10:39 am:

Melana, this is my 2nd pregnancy. I guess the back ache feels different--usually hurts with the contractions so that is why I was worried. The dr told me that they can't give meds until the baby is viable--24 weeks, so I guess I don't see the point in going back in. I was up for 3 hours in the middle of the night with them--they were about every 5-7 minutes. Laying down, sitting, etc--nothing helped! Has anyone done this this early and still delivered past 24-28 weeks?

By Momoffour on Friday, October 8, 2004 - 10:44 am:

have they put you on anything to stop the contractions. When I was pregnate with my second I went into preterm labor. I was around 20 weeks and they put me on breathin. Which is an asthma medicine. my labor quit and I ended up being past due. and everything was okay when Grace was born.

By Karen~moderator on Friday, October 8, 2004 - 11:04 am:

I went into pre term labor with Jeff. I was 6 mos. pregnant. They kept telling me they were Braxton Hicks, but I started having hard contractions and pain. I ended up in the hospital for a week on IV with something to stop the labor and took meds after I went home and was basically on bed rest.

I had lots of problems with my pregnancies though. Drink lots of water, watch your salt/sodium intake, stress, and avoid doing physical things which would put stress on your body.

Is your doc telling you ANYthing about this??

By Emdee on Friday, October 8, 2004 - 11:47 am:

They have said no exercise, limited activity, and no sex, and also to drink lots of water. They just don't do meds, I guess, until 24 weeks. She did say she may do a FFN test then to see what it says. Thanks everyone--I am just get so worried when the contractions get so frequent!! It is nice to be able to come here and ask questions from those who have had similar experiences.

By Dana on Friday, October 8, 2004 - 12:22 pm:

Emdee, I'm at 22 wks now, and also feeling contractions that started around week 15. However, mine to do not fit your description. Are you able to massage your tummy? That helps me alot when it gets all tight. Besides discomfort with the contractions, I am not feeling pain. Nor do they happen more than 5x a hour. Mine are unpredictable but I can have several in a row. I've never mentioned it to my OB, but was planning to ask about it at next appt. With my first I never felt contractions until I was 7 or 8 months pregnant. I think, if I were you, I might be calling the dr again with your concerns today. Are they having you track the contractions on a sheet of paper? If not, make your own so you have a record of what happens in a day. Check about relaxation techniques too. Also, ask about that med "breathin" which was previously mentioned. Maybe that would help you too. Asking certainly can't harm things. Hugs and prayers for your healthy baby. What was your due date? I know we are close and have discussed this before, but well, I've already forgotten :). I'm due Feb 9.

By Emily7 on Friday, October 8, 2004 - 12:29 pm:

Take a warm(not to warm though) bath & listen to music that soothes you.

By Lauram on Friday, October 15, 2004 - 01:29 pm:

I would go back to the dr. I went 13 times in prelabor from 28-36 weeks. I felt "no shame" about getting those drs out of bed (just kidding-I felt terrible)- but I needed to do it to help have a successful pregnancy. I would NOT wait a week to go back. A lot can happen in that short of a time. Especially if things are getting worse- i'd go in NOW!

My son was a premie- but it was definitely a successful pregnancy (he's fine). It would not have been the case if I had hestitated about going to the dr though.

By Emdee on Friday, October 15, 2004 - 04:09 pm:

Thanks, Lauram. I went a few days ago and things were still unchanged--no dilation and everything looked good. I go back in two weeks and they will do the FFN test then. The contractions have gotten better--nothing regular lately. Do you mind me asking if you evey dilated or just contractions?

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