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Childhood rashes

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive October 2004: Childhood rashes
By Kaye on Wednesday, October 6, 2004 - 07:25 pm:

Let's play diagnose my child this evening! LOL! Okay so what childhood rashes come with red raised bumps with blisters. I know the first thought is chicken pox, but we have had a raging case of these once before, and I am determined that we won't have them twice! Let's give some history. My son is almost 9. This am he woke up, complaining of itchy spots on his neck, to be honest I looked at them and they look like bug bites, I am thinking fire ants. Well I do look all over him, just in case, all is well. So he goes to school. Comes home, says hi and runs upstairs, an hour later he comes down stairs complaining of more bumps. Sure enough at this time he has about 20 of these bumps, I still think they look more like bites than a rash, but that doesn't seem to make sense seeing that they are getting worse. He hasn't really been sick, the past two days before lunch he hasn't felt great, but other than that he is fine. Today he has developed a little cough, but that is also pretty normal for him. So any guesses? I will be taking him to the dr tomorrow, but just curious if maybe a mom knew what I was missing!

By Emily7 on Wednesday, October 6, 2004 - 07:27 pm:


By Vicki on Wednesday, October 6, 2004 - 07:29 pm:

Where are the additional spots at? On his neck as well?

By Kaye on Wednesday, October 6, 2004 - 07:44 pm:

He has 2 on his neck, 2 on his left wrist, one on his left mid arm, 3-4 on his left shoulder/back, one near his left eye, one on his his forehead, 2 in the middle of his back, hmmmm those are the ones I can recall off the top of my head.

By Colette on Wednesday, October 6, 2004 - 08:33 pm:

My dd got something like this last year. It looks like a bunch of mosquito bites and they go away pretty quick. Benadryl helped her. It did no good to go to the dr because it was gone within a 1/2 hour or so. She would get them on her hands and her feet.

By Kellyj on Wednesday, October 6, 2004 - 09:01 pm:

Did you change laundry detergents? New pet? The way that it is confined to one area (i.e. the area that a shirt would contact while being put on and worn) and how it happened suddenly after he came home made me think of an allergic reaction. The cough could be an allergic response as well. However, the blistering doesn't really sound like an allergy.

By Imamommyx4 on Wednesday, October 6, 2004 - 09:27 pm:

Okay, my dd gets everything. And I'm a pharmacist so I have to use medicine for everything.

DD has some little red bumps. Left alone the blister turns to a sore and crusts over (that's the way the ones on her head do because we can't find them soon enough). Last week she fell and scraped her knees and the bumps went from 1 here and there to several everywhere especially her knees. Took her to the doctor and she has impetigo (old folks call it infantigo). It's a staph infection, very contagious and the knee scrape is what made it spread. Neosporin topically and Augmentin orally is what she got and it is finally clearing up. Good luck.

By Kaye on Wednesday, October 6, 2004 - 09:44 pm:

Well there hours later and there are more, pretty much in the same areas, plus now the backs of his legs are covered. This is the strangest thing I have ever seen. I really would write it off to ant bites or something to that effect, IF they would stop popping up! Geesh! I am hoping by the am he is just all better, at the least not any worse. But I will probably be taking him in to the fun. I hate going with rashes because they treat you like it is the plague :) and heck it could be!

By Cocoabutter on Wednesday, October 6, 2004 - 09:58 pm:

I had scabies when I was about 11 or 12. Scabies are little microscopic bugs (mites) that get under the skin and cause these bites, usually in an area together. Mine were all over my legs and some on my arms and by my armpits. In order to get rid of them you have to be prescribed an actual pesticide cream or lotion.

Check it out here{5FE84E90-BC77-4056-A91C-9531713CA348}

By Cocoabutter on Wednesday, October 6, 2004 - 10:01 pm:

Ooops- forgot to mention that when you get to that web page, there is more info in the links on the right of the text- links to pages that tell you about everything from the cause to treatment.

By Brandy on Wednesday, October 6, 2004 - 10:47 pm:

I was going to suggest impetigo too but he's already been contagious lol..If they give him an antibiotic it will take 24 hours before he's longer contagious.Nick had this for his 8th birthday

By Brandy on Wednesday, October 6, 2004 - 10:48 pm:

that should read NO longer contagious lol..

By Bren on Thursday, October 7, 2004 - 01:29 am:

Kaye, my 14 month old just got over having a cold and had been on benadryl. I noticed the same bumps you describe. Little red bumps that look like bug bites, i thought it was mosquitoe bites until i noticed it had a little hard blister on top with water in it. They are going away on their own. But it is definatley weird. They were on her legs,heels,arms wrist and forehead too. Were you able to come to any conclusion as to what they were?

By Kaye on Thursday, October 7, 2004 - 07:38 am:

Bren I would guess your dd has cocksakie, hand foot and mouth based on your description, it is viral and goes away. Today is a new day here, no new bumps, most of the old ones have gone from this small blister to about the size of a nickel, some quarter size, red flat spot with a definite bump in the center. The backs of his legs look better, I think he had hives on them last night and those look a bit better. The scabies bit looks interesting. I will let you know what the doc says. I can't call till 8 to make an appt, and who knows when I can get it. I have a busy day, so I hope they can get me in early!

By Tunnia on Thursday, October 7, 2004 - 09:22 am:

A couple of months ago both of my dk's broke out in a similar sounding rash all over their bodies. It started out here and there, but in a day and a half it was everywhere. I took them to the dr and she first said "chicken pox", but then I reminded her that they had those last year so then she was leaning towards scabies, but since they had not been in contact with anyone or anything that might have transmitted scabies she decided to do a strep test "just in case", but she really didn't think that would pan out. Guess what? They both had strep! No fever, no sore throat, no other symptoms of strep other than this weird rash.

If the rash is getting worse then I suggest a trip to the dr.:)

By Emily7 on Thursday, October 7, 2004 - 11:09 am:

How is he doing? Who was right or what were they?

By Kaye on Thursday, October 7, 2004 - 11:34 am:

Papular Urticaria....a type of hives typically associated with insect bites. He probably got bit by something and then had an allergic reaction to it. The doc first looked and said, he has already had chicken pox..LOL. Whew! She said it isn't a typical looking case, even brought in another dr to look at him, they both decided this must be it, although they popped one and ran a culture just in case. Ah...but I feel better and am told he is NOT contagious..woo hoo!

By Emily7 on Thursday, October 7, 2004 - 05:54 pm:

I am glad you got to the bottom of it.
How is he feeling?

By Kaye on Thursday, October 7, 2004 - 11:59 pm:

He is doing much better this evening, he was a little itchy through the day, but by bedtime he was good. The spots are slowly going away, very strange!

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