Does anyone belong to any moms groups?
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive October 2004:
Does anyone belong to any moms groups?
By Trisa on Monday, October 4, 2004 - 03:37 pm: | I have not been on here as much since school has started. I belong to 2 moms groups that each meet once a week. I just love them! You have coffee and snacks while you listen to a speaker and sometimes do a craft, cake decorating or recipes. Its alot of fun! Its free and they even watch your kids for free. It lasts about 1 1/2 hours. Its sort of like MOPS that some of you may have heard of but its FREE!! It seems I have more to do once school starts. Plus I am still busy painting my house. My mom is coming for a weekend visit this Friday and I want the house to look its best. Hope you all are having a nice fall. The weather is great here today!
I used to, but not any longer now that my kids are older. I've been asked to speak at a Mom's Group meeting in February during National Child Passenger Safety Week.
By Melanie on Monday, October 4, 2004 - 05:34 pm: | I no longer belong to any mommy groups. They were my lifeline when my two oldest were young, but now that they are in school and all three have other activities, it's no longer necessary for me. Trina, the first time my awareness was heightened on the carseat issues was when a speaker came to our mom's group. That was the first time I heard about keeping kids in boosters until age 8. Several moms met with the tech after the meeting to go shopping for new seats and she also met with mom's to check carseat installation. She did a lot of good that night, and I know you will, too.
By Pamt on Monday, October 4, 2004 - 06:08 pm: | I did MOPS for a couple of years and loved it! Now my boys are in school, so no longer in any mom's groups
By Trisa on Monday, October 4, 2004 - 06:59 pm: | The groups I go to do not kick you out once your kids are in school. In fact alot of women with teens go to them.
Trisa, I can't speak for others, but I didn't get kicked out. LOL! Just didn't feel the need to attend any longer because I had met many moms through school and sports, etc. and had established other social contacts. For example, I'm a member of my town Newcomers Club. It has many different interest groups and activities to take part in. Members consist of women from all walks of life, not just moms. I'm the group leader for "Dinner & Drinks". We meet at different restaurants monthly. FUN! Thanks, Melanie! I'm psyched and nervous at the same time. I'm hoping to do a GOOD job and be asked to speak about CPS more often. I'd LOVE to travel to area schools! *Sigh* Dream On... Dream On... Dream until your dreams come true! LOL!
By Trisa on Tuesday, October 5, 2004 - 02:04 pm: | Newcomers club. Never heard of that but it sounds fun!
Trisa, there are Newcomers clubs all over the world.