Good News/Bad News
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive October 2004:
Good News/Bad News
The good news is I have today off! No kids (mine or otherwise), no dh, nobody but ME! The house is all mine!!! The bad news is I have today off because I'm sick. Two daycare girls (sisters) had a stomach bug last week and I think they shared. They're mom was upset this morning when I called her to tell her I couldn't watch them. Not because she had to find someone else, but because she thinks it's their fault I'm sick. Nah, something's going around. Another mom I called this morning said, "Huh, that's ironic because I've been up all night with *C* (her 1yo son who's not in my care-I have her kindergarten dd) because he's been throwing up." So she was home anyway. No one else was really put out (for childcare) because one mom was home today anyway (she likes one day a week to "get things done") and the other mom just had a baby yesterday (a girl!!!) so her ds will go to grandma's. I really hope dh or the boys don't get this. Dh and I are supposed to go to a really nice retirement dinner party for a co-worker of his Friday night. We've got a sitter lined up (who the boys love) and we've been planning this for a month. This will be my first retirement party that he's actually asked me to go to with him! I really don't want to miss it. He was so sweet this morning. He asked me if I wanted him to stay home until the boys went to school so I didn't have to get them ready. Of course, I had to lay on the couch and tell him exactly what each likes in their lunches (and how to pack their lunch bags! lol) and all that, but it's just so amazing that he even offered. With Robin being stable right now, dh is just so much more pleasant to be around. We've been getting along better than we have in years. Thank God for good doctors and good meds! Anyway, pity party's over. I'm going back to bed. Thanx for letting me vent and share.
Sorry you're feeling bad, I hope you get better QUICKLY! Have fun at the party!
Hope you are feeling better soon!
AWww, thanx Girls. Mostly I'm just tired and cold. I feel okay, except when I'm actually getting sick! lol Robin asked me this morning, "Mom, did you throw up?" I said yes, then he asked, "How many times?" I told him two and he says, "Oh, am I gonna get sick too?" I told him I hope not. Kids.
I hope you get to feeling better soon. Try to enjoy the quiet house.
I hope you are feeling better soon!
Hope you are feeling better
opps try again...
Get well soon yep it's surely going around that's how i feel today terrible only when i'm in the bathroom lol..HOpefully the boys won't get it again last week it was nick yesterday it was alex and today it's me = ( no fun...
Ugh. I hope no one else gets sick.
Cat, I am so sorry you are sick. But the stuff about DH, WOW I am in shock. I am so glad things sound like they are going better. Yeah for you!! Hope you get to feeling better soon and have a great time at that party...
Thanx everyone. I'm not sick anymore, just exausted. Brandy, I hope you're feeling better today. Bobbie, the past month or two have been like this. I keep asking, "Who are you and what have you done with my husband?" Well, not outloud! lol It's really nice. As for who's next, we'll just have to wait and see. I tried to stay away from everyone as much as possible and was wiping things down with Clorox wipes all day yesterday. At least it's only a 12-24 hour bug.
I'm sorry Cat just saw this message again = ) and yes i was feeling much better too..I even woke up today at 5 am to exercise lol well for 21 minutes but i got up and then went back to bed lol...Thanks for thinking of me = )
Brandy, I'm glad you're feeling better. I did realize from that little bug that I could NEVER be bulimic (sp). I HATE throwing up! lol I feel SO much better and have finally gotten my energy back. I'm even making cookies--chocolate chip per Randy's request. The boys will have a sitter tonight and I wanted them to have easy snacks (plus the sitter's lab partner is coming over after the boys go to bed--I KNOW how much two teenage girls can eat! lol). Dh and I are going OUT! Gosh, we haven't done that in a long time. I'm trying to remember what it's like... Oh, the kindergarten girl who's little brother was sick the day I was is sick today. Poor thing. This kid will be 6 in January and she's about 30lbs soaking wet. She really can't afford to lose any weight from this. Gotta wonder who's next.
Glad you're feeling better!