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Work vent

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive September 2004: Work vent
By Kellyj on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 09:31 am:

Augggh! I am so sick of people dumping their work onto me! First a graduate student dumped half of her experiment onto me because "she doesn't like to do that technique and has no time." And now the other guy in the lab pawned his off onto me because it didn't work right for him the first time and he wants me to repeat it over and over until I get perfect results for him. Grrrrrr. Like I didn't have enough to do already?! People are so lazy!

Sorry. I just needed a vent and I didn't want to send poor DH a venting email only a half hour into the day. :)

By Rayanne on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 09:35 am:

Why do you let them do this? Couldn't you just politely say no, this is not my job?

By Kellyj on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 10:09 am:

The center director is recruiting the grad student to work in our lab (oh joy) and whatever the center director says goes. This student would only work in our lab under the conditions that I grow all of the cells that she needs to work with. I wouldn't usually mind but the magnitude that she needs requires about 2 hours of my time each day and attention on the weekends. Plus the girl is completely unwilling to help at all. But the center director is inflexible. As for the other person he's my direct supervisor so he can tell me to do this stuff. It just irritates me so much because I'm swamped and he's sitting on the computer reading journal articles all day.

By Pamt on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 10:56 am:

Kelly, I will commisserate with you and may I join in on your vent too? I am one of 2 part-time employees in our department. I have been called at home from work 6 times this week!! I have developed a whole Performance Improvement study (linked to national data) for our department, developed a hugely successful reading program that grows bigger each time its offered, suggested branching out into the private schools which we are now doing, and was willing to go get trained in a specialized area to take over someone's else area of specialty while she's on maternity leave. Have I gotten one "thanks" or "way to go?" No! I honestly do more work and have come up with more new "revenue-generating" (that's the bottom line...ugh!) programs than any of the full-time therapists. And now the other therapists are putting all of the difficult and "not fun" patients on my schedule when I'm not there. And...they have a student on internship to help with their caseloads and won't give me a student because I'm only part-time. I nurse my fantasy of walking in and quitting because I know I would leave them high and dry and I would take all of my programs (intellectual property) with me. Problem is that my benefits are too great and too necessary and I really love the kids and the therapy part of my job...just not the administration and the other STs I work with.

Sorry to take over your post, but I was thinking of posting the same thing anyway. And it seems as if we are in similar predicaments getting dumped on by other people. I've talked my poor DH's ears off about it.

Obviously you work in a lab...are you a student, in research?? What do you do?

By Kellyj on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 11:03 am:

You can definitely join my vent! Anyone can! :) It's so much more fun to complain as a group.

I'm a lab technician in a cancer research lab. If I get a good financial aid package I'm leaving in Jan to do a physician assistant program. I'm keep my fingers crossed.

My poor DH gets his ear chewed off too. He gets so upset especially over the PhD student who wants me to do her work. The student wants me to work a 14 hour shift to do one of her experiments because she didn't have the time for it. I have tons of time I guess. Work full time. Class, family, house to clean, dinner to cook, stuff to maintain. I've got loads of time

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