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Anyone Ever 'Washed That Gray Right Out of [Your] Hair'??

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive September 2004: Anyone Ever 'Washed That Gray Right Out of [Your] Hair'??
By Kate on Sunday, September 19, 2004 - 02:58 pm:

Remember that commerical?? I think it was for 'Loving Care' which supposedly wasn't an actual full dye, but was supposed to only color the gray. Is this still around and does it work?

I'm to the point where I'm ready to tackle those stray gray hairs that seem to multiply overnight. They can be anywhere, but mostly around my hairline around my face, which means I can't pull my hair back without it all showing. I DON'T want to get an actual color job, and I want to be able to do it myself at home. But I'm scared to death of it coloring my whole head some awful color. I have basic medium brown hair, speckled with gray, and I'd like it to be all my natural color, minus the gray! Any advice?? TIA!

By Karen~moderator on Sunday, September 19, 2004 - 03:07 pm:

I remember........I hate to admit that though. LOL Feel like I'm REALLY an old fogie!

If you don't want to do actual color, why don't you try a temporary color?

I've been coloring my hair for years, and it's gotten to the point where there is too much gray to continue coloring it brown, so I started getting it highlighted blond, and I really like it. Makes it easier to hide the grays, but I've got probably 60% gray now, and I REFUSE to let it grow out!

By Cat on Sunday, September 19, 2004 - 04:12 pm:

Karen, don't feel old. I remember that commercial and I'm only 33. I colored my hair for about a year when we lived in Panama. I used Clairol Natural Instincts. It was really easy to use, but you do have to do touchups every 6 weeks or so. I did like Karen said and tried a temporary color first. They wash out in about a week or two. There was actually a coupon in today's paper for the Natural Instincts ($2 off). Ya know, I was just thinking last night while watching tv why women can't use Just For Men (saw the commercial). I don't have any grey yet, but I'm sure someday I will (my mom didn't get grey until her 50's!). I'll be like Karen--fighting it all the way! lol

By Trina~moderator on Sunday, September 19, 2004 - 04:21 pm:

I remember those commercials! LOL! I've always been too chicken to try coloring my own hair. Fortunately, my best friend is a hairstylist. She has highlighted my hair several times, and it hides my grays nicely. :)

By Pamt on Sunday, September 19, 2004 - 06:27 pm:

I remember those commercials too! I have quite a few grays now, but at this point I am sort of intrigued by them. Silver/gray has always been one of my favorite colors and all of my jewelry is silver or white gold so I think of my gray hairs as rather festive--LOL. I have never used any color in my hair, even highlights, so I have no advice. Just wanted to let you know I'm there too. I think I'll wait until I get really salt and peppery before I color, IF i color. I think silver hair can be beautiful with the right complexion and if the hair isn't yellowy.

By Feona on Sunday, September 19, 2004 - 07:07 pm:

First time coloring you might want to go to the hair dresser and let them match it for you. I do that and get a prettier color than I originally had. It has more dimension to it now.

The temporary color idea is a good one. It is hard to get the right color!

By Tink on Sunday, September 19, 2004 - 09:51 pm:

I'm only 27 and I remember those commercials but I was REALLY young, like 3yo. No gray here yet but my mom uses a 4-6 week temporary color on her gray because there is a less definite line as her hair grows out. I don't know which brand she uses but I dye my own hair and my stylist recommended L'Oreal because they use pigments more similar to what you will find in a salon. Good luck!

By Christylee on Sunday, September 19, 2004 - 10:53 pm:

I'm 28 and I remember it and I NEED it. I've been going crazy with the gray coming in my dark, THICK hair. lol... So if you find something that works PLEASE let me know. I've colored before but hate doing it because if I go somewhere to have it done it's over $100 because of my amount of hair and if I do it I have to use three bottles and takes forever.

By Bea on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 12:15 am:

I use Colorsilk by Revlon. It's a shampoo-in and a little milder than some of the has no ammonia, so it fades more quickly. I like the colors. They are very natural, and it does a good job covering my gray. It's also a reasonable price.

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